NOTAJP goes solid 1st gen. leaves | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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NOTAJP goes solid 1st gen. leaves

Time to join the club. It took me almost two months to complete my project due to lag time of receiving parts, receiving the wrong parts, spending many hours at work (still at war) and tools breaking down. All were under warrenty but still... If it could go wrong, it did. Something always goes wrong with any project. I have built many rigs in the past but this SAS was the worst of my luck. Once everything was here the project went very well. So far this thing drives, tracks, and feels great. Tomorrow hopefully I'll get it out on the highway.
Here's some of the hi-lights:

Rear axle:
8.8 with 4.56 grears and Detroit locker
SOA with AAL and Rancho RS9154 shocks
ProCompStainless steel brake lines
Comming soon: Disc brakes, OME 2" springs

Front axle:
Moved forward two inches.
Dana 30 HP with 4.56 grears, open carrier
Posi-lock cable axle disconnect
SOA with Rubicon Express 1.5" leaf springs, Bomerang shackles, F250 shock towers, and RS9012 shocks.
M.O.R.E. hi-steer cross over steering with heim joints
Rancho Steering stabilizer
ProComp Stainless steel brakes lines moved for more axle drop
Comming soon: Warn alloy shafts and hubs, ARB or Ox locker

Unlimited Products fiberglass cowl induction hood
Hannamen front fiberglass fenders
Baja Concepts rear fiberglass fenders
James Duff pre-runner winch bumper, Warn XD9000i winch
Comming soon: fiberglass rollpan, CRL customs rear bumper, and paint!

JVC EL Calmelion Head Unit, Pioneer three ways up front and two ways in the rear
Uniden Classic CB
Flame gauges

stock 4.0L, 5 speed, BW 1354 all with 150k miles, one new clutch @ 100k
KKM True Rev Intake, Helix throttle body spacer, Jacobs Ignition and wires
200amp alternator, Optima Battery
17x10 American Racing Atlas polished wheels
315/70R17 (35x12.50R17) BFG All-Terrain tires. They measure a true 35" tall!
Comming soon: Center Force Duel Friction clutch, Custom front and rear driveshafts

All work was accomplished by myself

Who says you can't flex out leaf springs. I have 12.5" of wheel travel. You can see it in the pics. I started measuring for shocks on a 19* ramp. That wasn't enough (the rear tires came up the ramp before the front stoped flexing :eek:)so I used a fork lift.If I were to change anything, (and I will) I'll change the rear spring hangers. That is my binding point with the shackles. I could get a lot more flex out of those springs with different shackles and mounts. Then the price of 14" travel shocks more than tripple! maybe later...;)

You can check out some of the SAS build up pics in my gallery. Here's a few for starters:

Front spring hangers:

Rear spring hangers:

Steering and axle:

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Maybe we could do some measureing and see how much each setup flexes??

I'd like to see some numbers too. Maybe you could measure the height of the bottom of the tire while it is on the forklift. Based on the pictures so far I'm not seeing a coil spring/coil over killer here.

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ssoo... using leaf springs for the front will save me how much if i wanna do a SAS? compared with the coil overs. how is the ride quality?

Originally posted by Michael
I'd like to see some numbers too. Maybe you could measure the height of the bottom of the tire while it is on the forklift. Based on the pictures so far I'm not seeing a coil spring/coil over killer here.

The height of the bottom of the tire while on the forklift was 31". I never meant to build a coil-over killer. This just shows that leafs are a tried and true set up, and will flex just fine.

Looks great! I love 1st gens for offroad and the front and rear glass fenders look awesome!

Are you going to get it painted? Is so What Color?

Needs clear corners front and rear!

No matter how you slice is, unless you are getting coilovers for free, a leaf spring swap will be cheaper.

However, a traditional coil, when setup properly will be very close to the cost and has the potential to outflex a leaf spring setup. It will also excell in other aspects.

Flex isn't the only factor to consider when swapping suspensions.

You should also consider:

1) Approach and departure angles
2) Pinion angle change during flex
3) Axle wrap
4) Stability characteristics
5) Frame limitations

A leaf spring setup will not allow for best approach and departure angles.

A leaf spring setup is more difficult to get proper pinion angle change.

A leaf spring setup will wrap up.

In terms of stability, that depends on where you mount the springs (leaf or coil). Without a sway-bar (Anti-Rock) the leaf will probably provide for better stability, but at the cost of flex.

You will encounter frame limitations with any setup.

The bottom line is that you should go with what you want, what you understand, and what you can afford.

I disagree that coilovers are overrated. I think the phrase should be re-worded to say that coilovers are over-glamorized. People think they need them when in reality a traditional coil and shock setup would work perfectly.

Swap came out good. :D Any close up pics of the brackets that aren't so blurry?

I forgot to ask, are you going to run a trac bar?

Originally posted by NOTAJP
I really don't want to step on any toes but my pictures prove that I have just as much, it not more flex then Taxxman and JoshC.

Why compare your truck to Josh C's or Taxxman's? Why don't you compare your truck to another first gen that has the same advantages as you in the frame? Mine is limited by too short shocks in the rear, and stock bronco radius arms, but I still get 35" to the bottom of the tire on a ramp. Michael's flexes even better than that, and both trucks have coils.?
Oh, and why downgrade to a Dana 30?

Thanks Cory, as always I appreciate your insight even if we disagree sometimes. I do plan to run a sway bar for highway speeds as I drive this thing all over the place at 80+mph. "over-glamorized" is a good word and I'll work with that. For now my shocks will be the limiting factor until I can afford 14" travel shocks.

I don't plan on running a track bar for now unless I have serious issues later on down the road. It feels good now, just have to get it on the freeway.

Black Magic,
Thanks man. That means a lot comming from a beautiful X yourself. Hopefully if work and time is on my side, I'll be shooting the paint this winter. It'll be Kawasaki green. If everything else is wild, the paint might as well match, right? Oh yeah, my wife is bugging me to get the clears done as well. I'm going to upgrade the tail lights to the 98+ style because the fiberglass is designed for it. Hind sight says I should have just done the '98 conversion for the front....:rolleyes:

Originally posted by swak6287
ssoo... using leaf springs for the front will save me how much if i wanna do a SAS? compared with the coil overs. how is the ride quality?

I couldn't tell you an exact $ until I got a chance to write it all out. I see you will be almost starting from scratch. It all depends on what you want. It will all depend on if a shop is doing the work or you will be.
CoryL could give you a better idea of cost factors. I'm sure he'll tell you that a coil setup will be cheaper from him. The steering can be a huge $$$ factor based on what axle you use. Coil overs are $500 each. That does not include and of the engineering involved with the three or four link suspension that it'll require.

Jefe is about to build a coil-over SAS on a 2nd gen, check out his URL=]thread.[/URL]

I like the ride so far. I haven't really played with it off road or more than 30mph yet. I'll keep you updated on the ride and drive this weekend when we get to play with it.;)


Man you can't do yours green. Thats what I had planned for my X.

Originally posted by Derrick C.

Man you can't do yours green. Thats what I had planned for my X.

That's bad...and in the same state. I guess I'd better get mine done first.:D I've already started painting so you're just gonna have to go dark green!;)

Yeah you'll get yours done first. I still have to cut out the rear windows and roof. Then the fiberglass. Then paint.

Maybe I'll go back to Racing Blue. Damn it I have to think about it.

Originally posted by NOTAJP
That's bad...and in the same state. I guess I'd better get mine done first.:D I've already started painting so you're just gonna have to go dark green!;)

Make him go Sunflower YELLOW

On another note if I had access to a 77 Early Bronco wouldn't the SAS set-up be easy if I got the complete axle and all steering components??

Oh and FYI my son wants me to paint mine Yellow with silver racing stripes down the hood

i like the idea of yellow but make it a darker shade of yellow it ya do so it will not fade

Originally posted by AlaskanJack
Make him go Sunflower YELLOW

On another note if I had access to a 77 Early Bronco wouldn't the SAS set-up be easy if I got the complete axle and all steering components??

Oh and FYI my son wants me to paint mine Yellow with silver racing stripes down the hood

There ya go Derrick, sunflower yellow is all yours! :D

That swap would almost be bolt on (except for the trac bar). It is that easy with the EB.

Yellow would be cool. I like that Yellow on the Nissan Xterra. That's what I thought about using on my FJ40 project. I don't think there's another sport around that's Yellow, or any other X except for Perry.

Originally posted by NOTAJP
That swap would almost be bolt on (except for the trac bar). It is that easy with the EB.
You would still have to deal with the radius arm/radius arm mount choice. You would probably have to swap to EB (or really any SFA -'79 Ford) radius arms with the c-bushing ends and they will be longer (I am pretty sure) than your stock arms. Even if they were the same length, you would probably be looking at some type of dropped arm bracket, depending on spring choice. Then you have to deal with drag bars and trac bars.

NOTAJP, the swap looks great!
The high-steer is a nice choice and a great addition!!

Thanks Robb!

I meant that the entire suspension from the EB would have to be swapped. Sorry for the confusion. The only fabbing would be the mounts for the EB radius arms and the track bar mount on the frame. The EB coil buckets fit perfectly on the first gens. The stock EB radius arms are the same length as the extended 1st gen arms. If I were to do an EB SAS, I'd run a complete James Duff stage II suspension.

Congrats NOTAJP:thumbsup: Good job. I wish I had half of your fab skills. I kow you'll get many hours of enjoyment out of your rig.

When I started my swap last year my first choice was to go with leaf springs due to the cost-simplicity of the design, minumum of breaking parts and low maintanence. I still think it's a good option.

I decided on the 4 link, coilover design after analyzing some of the points CoryL mentioned. In the end what you decide on depends on 2 factors. Preference-usage, and cost.

Have fun:D

Thanks Tom. It deffinitely will not keep up with your Navajo (neither will my wallet), but it'll do the job. I don't have anything on the quality and skills that went into your front end. That is truely amazing. This will be fun and it works for me.

Now that I have the SAS off my mind for a bit, I can get back to working with the fiberglass. I played with the Marine-Tex the other night and I think it'll be perfect for the fenders. I'll keep you posted.

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Here's a couple pics with the shocks painted and mounted. Derrick, this is my color. ;)


Here's another shot of the M.O.R.E. steering plus the modification.

I wouldn't do the zinc coating again. I want to send the steering rods to Boise for some chrome plating.:D
