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Section525 - D44 2nd gen. leaves SAS

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anti seize?

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Yeah thats part of the cone's job -- its a 3 axis "washer" that pushes radially while it pushes down. So they actually bite into the threads a little bit when they are tightened down because the studs themselves dont actually come into contact with the arm -- so part of the torque from steering goes through the conical washer. The rest of the steering torque goes through the machined surface between the arm and the knuckle.

Here is where I am. Arms are on. I got a new TRE cause the other one was fused into the old arm. So now its all back together and steering again. Tires are on. Oiled up the diff. Battery is charging... :rolleyes:

Tomorrow, I'll mount and wire up the compressor. It looks pretty easy. Just finding a place to mount it. Everything else just snaps together like ice cream cake. I just don't feel like doing it in the dark.

The 7/8 of an inch difference goes a long way with the steering arms. I have all kinds of clearance now. :) Plus, the pinion angle looks much more tolerable.

So, where to mount the compressor?


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I need to clean up the garage too. Looks like a bomb went off. :(

I mounted mine on the drivers side in front of the front fender. There is like a little metal shelf.

You've got waaaaay too many goodies in that last shot Section. RC truck, DeWalt drill, ARB comp., digital level...:confused::p:

Here is my half-a-year update! :p:

Dannyboy has been harassing me so much I decided to get some work done on the ol' Explorer. It's been well over a year since I bought my tube bender and I'm embarrassed to say that today was the first time I've used it. :(

Anyway, I went down to Pep Boys and picked up some shocks. Now I'm making some new hoops to make them fit (shocks are off an Aerostar). Got one side bent up. But I got in trouble since I have family over so the other side will have to wait till manana.

Sneak peak:


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Those shocks are crap, you should send them down to me, I'll put then on one fitty or crazy web wheeler:p:

you have a month to get your stuff together and wheel with us at Big Bear.

...Or were lead to believe your just stealing some other guys photos off the net:D

Chevette shocks work a lot better!

Jeff - :navajo:

Dannyboy has been harassing me so much I decided to get some work done on the ol' Explorer.

Keep up the good work Dan:D

Get those shocks mounted so you can wheel that thing!

BY harassing you mean posting photos on the interweb of my truck getting work done and then wheeling it, then YES, I've been harassing you.

I'm still confused, I read the last 3 pages and think you and the wife drove this thing like 45 miles last year to move it and that's it. Those new shocks are looking good, I still think that you'll really like how nice the blue top will be sticking out of your hood. Word of advice, make the hoop strong enough to support a coilover so when you decide to scrap the leaves like every other leaf sprung SAS that will be one less thing to reengineer.

I actually towed it 45 miles. :)

That's sorta the plan. I'm building the hoops high and beef. I almost just ordered coilovers from Poly but decided I need to actually get this thing up to the mountains the way it is first. So, maybe after a summer and winter season I'll start ordering the new junk and run these bling shocks in the rear.

I drove to Savannah for a weekend a few years ago. All it is is a creepy old town that never left the age of the Civil War (and felt like a sauna). But to get back on point, if it was anything like Big bear with rocks and such, I'd so be there!

Sweet! When do the airbumps go on?

Okay.. so I got a little more work done on it. Here is a shot of my ghetto mounted tube bender. :D

My first bends and I do it like a Pro. Look at that consistency! :p:

I had to borrow a 110v welder since I don't have 220 yet and my electrician is in Palm Springs for three weeks.


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I need to finesse the tabs before they get the final sign off.

But here is where I am at so far. I may or may not keep these (this one). With the two reservoirs (coolant, washer fluid) gone, the battery out, and the ABS module deal gone, I have all the room I'd ever need. As of now, I'm setup for 5" of up travel, 9" down. I'll flex it out with the forklift before finally welding.


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I'll be ripping out the ABS module sooner than later now, and installing the master cylinder with the built-in proportioning valve. That'll give me plenty of room the mount the ARB air compressor where the ABS used to be. After that, it's smooooth sailing.

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you didn't by chance cycle the suspension or run it up an RTI ramp to see how much bump travel you gots did ya? Looking at the pics you should be good to go but I was just curious.

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