O/D Off light came on, then truck wouldn't start.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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O/D Off light came on, then truck wouldn't start....


Well-Known Member
February 15, 2010
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99' XLT (B4 Autumn Brown)
So I get off work, and move the X out of the spot to park my work truck keeping it running. I get back into the X and start driving, noticing that the "O/D off" light is on. Well, I didn't want to get onto the highway w/o OD, so pull up next to the office, and turn the truck off. I then attempt to start it up again, and it fails to start up. The engine turns over, but would not start up.

I let it sit, pop open the hood to find anything loose. I attempt to start it up again just for it to fail. I then decide to leave the key in the on position. Thinking perhaps letting some fuel get in or something. I am not a mechanic. Hell, I wouldn't even know what to look for even if there was something wrong under the hood.

I let it sit in the on position for about a minute, and then attempt to start it again. It tried, and then finally, it catches. Slowly, but finally I was able to give it some gas, and I kept it at 2.5 - 3 RPM just to make sure it stayed running. I slowly let the RPM's drop, and it stayed just fine at 1 RPM idle.

Drove it home, and all is OK. What do you think it could have been?

Thank you for your input. It is highly appreciated.

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No help for this problem of mine as well?

Another morning, and no replies of any help to my problem......

Well, there's not much information to go on...

It sounds like an isolated starting problem. Just the other day, it took my a few minutes to get my truck started - the best explanation I can come up with is a bit of condensation in the gas tank. Similar problems could be from a bit of moisture in an electrical connector, a sensor starting to fail, etc.

If it's a recurrent problem, it could be any number of problems. If you experience more problems, I'd look into the fuel system first. If you want more advice on a possible cause though, there needs to be more information. Did the engine "try" to start (eg did it fire, or was it just cranking freely with no sign of ignition), did it require you to "feather" the throttle to keep it running (if yes then the IAC could be at fault), did it "bog" if you stepped on the pedal hard...

Thank you so much for replying in an attempt to help.
Yes, I too agree I did not give the proper details after reading your reply.

Answers to your questions are as follows:
The engine did not try to start when attempting. It did however turn over w/no sign of ignition. After letting it sit in the "on" position for around one minute, I believe it did require me to feather the throttle only because as soon as I heard it trying to fire up, I immediately started to feather the throttle. So to be honest, I do not know if it was needed. But I did do it. When applying more throttle, I did not see any signs of "bog".

Yes, I agree with the little knowledge I have, that perhaps it may have something to do withe the fuel system. Pump? Lines? Filter? I do not know.

Thanks again for your reply. I was worried if I would look like a jerk by bumping the topic up every morning, however it was a risk I was willing to take.

Thank you for contributing in efforts to help me out with my problem.

No sir, the CEL is not on. Would certainly be the first thing I'd check if it was. As for the fuel filter, I do not know the answer to that due to the truck was just purchased a month ago.

Thanks again for your help. It is highly appreciated.

check out the various "no start" threads for conditions that you should check for during the failure... things like check engine on then off, fuel pressure / sound, and spark etc.... Answers to those will help narrow your / our attention on the potential issue.

My guess is you have an electrical issue (likely relay) that will likely bite you again.
