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off roading power

hey guys how goes it ? I am starting my winter project planning and thought i would come in her for advice. i've been reading a ton but not sure if this combo will help me out.
i have the great 2000 xls 4x4 with the 4.0 ohv and the a4ld. These are the parts i want to add in :

Nissian Xtra supercharger
4.6 mustang throttle body
comp cams 410 cam
24# lb injectors
tuner/flasher from bama

i know the tranny is a weak link so no need to keep i an swapin to a c4.

what else should i add in... i.e yes i know fmu for the s/c but did know about the chip from bama.

thanks for any help

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ok been busy this weekend, the wood is mocked up and fits. (its just that i made a few extra pieces out of scrap to bring it up 1-1/2 inches so i would not have to break open the cooling system).

Josh the fuel flip will need to be done to get extra room etc. I need cardboard so i can mock up my pullys while i am at it.
Looks like the last cylinder will have some air flow resrictions. as it sits on the trail edge of the adapter plate. Might make a plate 1/2 thick to help that out and get better flow some how.. we'll see what happens.

right now it looks like 4 1/2 plates for now -1 that is a spacer for pressure 2 for the fuel rail and one to go between the s/c and fuel rail. I post a few pics later this weekend (with my pos digital camera good the good one died).

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Ok I see you are trying to make this work Im going to make a sugggestion...... well a few you can do whatever with.....I hope it helps or gives you some ideas.

Instead off all thoses holes and plates for a blower adapter why not just build a box that goes around the edges of the lower intake top. Then swedge out at angles to make the box as wide as the bottom of the blower and weld on a flat plate and drill your mount holes with it bolted to the lower intake and set the blower on it to line up the belt and then drill the holes to mount the blower. It is a blower with the intake charge pressurized there is no need for the intake runners anymore. Just box in that intake and forget making all that intake port matching and machining.

I am not shure if the X has a return system or not. However I am under the impression that it doesnt. Either way all you need for a fuel pump is a walbro pump similar to a mustang rated at no more than 190lph they make them for return and non return systems, or a fuel pump for a 99 cobra mustang is similar for non return style and will supply what you need its only a 2 wire hook up.

I have done many custom race belt systems, once you get the blower mounted get some fishing line. NOT just any fishing line. You need to get like berkly Fireline that does not stretch. With the line follow stock belt configuration and include your blower. Pull the line snug and cut it exactly where it meets. Then measure the line. Take that measurement to the auto parts store and tell them that you need belt in that length with however many ribs the stock belt has. Make sure the blower pulley has the same rib count as the pullys on your motor.

Tuning/FMU/ Electronics:
Ok there are two ways to do this. One is with the FMU. The fmu will pretty much tease the computer into thinking its feeding the correct amount of fuel and send on extra to make up for boost pressure itself.(my least favored) but probably cheaper. can get you a 30lbs. calibrated MAS and 30lbs. injectors put the MAS where you planned on it and install the 190lph fuel pump leave the stock fuel pressure regulator. Then when you get your explorer blower installed take it (by trailer) to get an SCT dyno tune by a qualified SCT superchips tuner. (My favorite, more reliable way more adjustability and guaranteed to be tuned in for max power)more expensive normally about 450-600 buck up front for the tune and chip burning.You would be suprised what a good tuner can do on a dyno.

I would really like to see this project succeed, and I think it can. I hope I may have givin you some ideas to help out or simplify some items. If you dont under stand what I was talking about on the intake let me know and I will draw something up for you. BEST OF LUCK!

The returnless system is a mechanical returnless. Just put in a 190lph pump, you will not run out of fuel. I carry alot of parts you may be interested in.
BTW Do not use a fmu, it is a bs way of adding fuel and on top of that you don't want to have a part in a boosted system known to fail. Dont use calibrated meters either install the proper pump and injector. Since you are going to get a tune then get your tuner to tie everything together in the tuning. The is much more reliable and doesn't have a reputation of failure. Calibrated meters skew the load and spark tables. Very much a no no for boosted applications. If you were near Alabama I would be happy to tune you.

I had a coworker help me machine the rough shape of the ports and then I had to use a gringer to start the finish work. I want to do more to it, just havent made the time. I was under the inpression that the stock 19lb injectors were good up to 300HP. I have a 70mm ProM MAF and a 63mm BBK TB. I was thinking to use an adjustable FPR and have an AN fitting welded to the fuel rail. Is 190lph the right volume for this setup? I wonder if you can get one that would take the place of the stock pump. At what preasure should the fuel be regulated at?


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Josh i hate you your way ahead of me.. but i got aluminum to work with :p instead of steel and just picked up a jigsaw today.

Would you hate me more if I said that plate was aluminum?:p: Its a little pitted from sitting for a while. I am thinking about getting it powder coated. I was quoted 60 bucks here locally. Its still gonna be a while for me since I probably won't do it until I find me a daily driver. I also ned to rebuild the tranny as it has about 246K on it. I plan to do a write up when I start but I am still a ways from that.


The 19# injectors will not work in a blown application up to 300hp and will sign off well before that. Even if you were talking 300 crank hp the minimum injector would be 30#ers

yea i got sent to korea for a year and everything is in storage

Well thats no good man.. I got sent to Iraq, all my stuff is in storage too =[

Hopefully when you get back you can finish it, otherwise I might have to do it all myself..

i've been wanting to do this for a while, but i have some questions. first what super charger is best for this, ive been seeing 90's t-bird s/c's going for cheap on e-bay, those are m90 s/c's, but they mount up differently than i thought, it almost looks upside down. could you mount it the opposite way?


I'll sell my M-62, parts, and documentation for 300 shipped. The SC is brand new.

why arent you going to do it? is it your d/d?

p.s. dibbs on that s/c stuff if you still have it after tax return, id love to have that!
