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Offical: Post your ST pics


Hey J, where can I get my hands on some of that plastic dip? I was just gonna paint my roof rails and step bars black ,but that looks good like that. And roughly how much does that stuff cost. Looks good. And also the bridgestones on your ST, what size are those.

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Hey stylin99, what would I have to do to get a set of those tie down covers?

Checking out all these great picts of 07+ ST's. very cool - their is so much you can do with them. But i have not seen any lifted (other than the truxx kit -like 1").

has anyone here attempted a 5, 6, 7, 8 + inch lift? Dropped some nasty looking 38 swampers or something similar?


Can I play too?

Bought the Adrenalin last week with 39,000km's on the clock, it's an '08

Previous owners outdoors pics;


At home in my garage;

In case anyone was wondering what's under the cover next to it;


Can I play too?

Bought the Adrenalin last week with 39,000km's on the clock, it's an '08

Previous owners outdoors pics;


At home in my garage;

In case anyone was wondering what's under the cover next to it;


I'll admit, I was wondering. NICE!

My new to me '08 Limited V8 2WD in White Suede.






07 S.T. (limited)
v8 with 18k miles
5" total lift
32"nitto grapplers - no rubbing, no cutting
Sun roof, std. Bed Cover, added Rear Brake light Bar
much more to come .. .< if i dont sell it>

SKYNET looks great!! Love the light. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



I had to use a 5/16 spacer the tires are 275/55/20 Goodyear ls2 tires

I had to use a 5/16 spacer the tires are 275/55/20 Goodyear ls2 tires

Couple of questions:

Are those the SHO wheels? What year?

If so I was under the impression the bore size was smaller on the Taurus (63mm) than on the ST (70mm). Any modifications for that fit?

Did you have to use the spacer because of the width of the tire or was the rim hitting the caliper?

What TPMS sensor are you using? Is it the Valve stem or the one our ST's come with which wrap around the rim.

Looks good man!

here are some pics of my 07 sport trac limited

Looks really good with the smoked headlights.

My 2008 Sport Trac Limited



Machine's ST is now "Legal". Let the fun begin!! :burnout:

Couple of questions:

Are those the SHO wheels? What year?

If so I was under the impression the bore size was smaller on the Taurus (63mm) than on the ST (70mm). Any modifications for that fit?

Did you have to use the spacer because of the width of the tire or was the rim hitting the caliper?

What TPMS sensor are you using? Is it the Valve stem or the one our ST's come with which wrap around the rim.

Looks good man!

Sorry I just seen this they are explorer rims from a 2011 they are the same bolt pattern they only rub on full turn .

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