Official 2011 Uwharrie Planning Thread | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Official 2011 Uwharrie Planning Thread

Everyone here in NC ok after the storms? Not to throw this off-topic, but thought I'd ask here. Don't want to hear about any crushed Explorers!

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all good here not issues with the sploder from the weather

I also want to hear about this as well. Looks like a very bad storm.

One "nice" thing about tornadoes, they are isolated. Your neighbor could have lost their house, and you didn't lose so much as a branch. So, yeah, some areas are pretty ugly. No work for me today, maybe tomorrow, 'cause every power line around my office is laying in the road.

No work for me again tomorrow. It's a little messy in that area.

Oh good lol

Glad you guys made it through the storm

We do have a new member...

keithisg sent me a pm today and should be in here to say hi soon. He has a ranger with 31's.

Is there anyone missing from the first post?

I decided to go to Zuwharrie again this year. Its May 14th, so I should have good pictures and stories to get you in the mood again :).

Thats good. I have been working on the explorer. I still have a few things to get finished before I can head out there. I also need to work on the f250. Rear-end has bearing noise. Replaced the left wheel bearings and its not as loud but there is now a noise that can be heard from the ring gear area.

Plus getting married in June...Might be crunched for time.

Wow! Honeymoon in Uwharrie?

You're not gonna bail on us, are you?!

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It's lookin' good for driving my truck out there, as I should get it back this week. However, we might not get in until late Friday after all. Thinking about heading out to do some scuba diving the weekend before, and vacation days are kinda tight.
