ohhhhh $&!^&#^ test run = I broke it bad | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ohhhhh $&!^&#^ test run = I broke it bad


December 17, 2010
Reaction score
Elma Wa
City, State
Elma Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Explorer e.b. 4.0 efi
911 in a big way. Please help my dd is out of commission!!! K so I did a test run after lift and tires and almost back slid into a mud hole made for tires out of my league. I had 2 options go right into about 4' of water and no snorkel or go left into the 35" tire area. I went for broke and went left. I got trough everything until the exit and high centered front and rear diffs. So after getting pulled out I noticed a sound that I can only explain as a ratchet dun gone retarded. I am sure I blew the stock auto hubs maybe stripped something in the front differential. Its a couple hundred bucks for warn hubs and kit. Which I don't have. A buddy says he will hook me up with front and rear axles from a 78 f series truck. Problem is I don't have the experience to put them in or where to start. Will these axles work they are I believe a dana 44 in front and a true 9" rear end the front has 4" lift coils already on and 4" leafs in rear. Where do I start any help would be greatly appreciated.....

K so I now need to update damage is worse than I thought. Hubs axles have to wait I am leaking coolant in between what seems to b the tranny and engine it isn't a drip more like it is pouring I can see it coming from what looks like a metal gasket. I NEED HELP I have no idea how to fix it and can not find a thread close to it. The leak is coming from passenger side I just put 2 gallons of water through it. Any ideas would be great.

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When I had a big leak coming from a metal gasket, it was the lower intake manifold gasket. It was like a pee stream!
This may or may not be your issue, you don't give enough specific info. My advice is to start a separate thread for the engine leak, be descriptive, and include pics with arrows.

For the other issue, you say you can't afford new hubs, and are wondering about swapping in the axles...that swap will cost a few grand in fab costs.

Sounds like a head gasket.
Large tires with out changing the axle gears puts more strain on the engine and trans.

im gonna start tearing into it today i appreciate the replys and will def. check both head gasket and intake thanks guys. Also thanks for telling me how to post pics. ill report back what i find later

k i checked the oil its low and smells a little gassy but no water in oil. cap has no crud on it don't see any leaks from top end yet. put water in radiator and it pours out from same place as the vid shows with the engine off. god when i break something i break it good. but i guess thats how it goes you gotta pay to play....

Have you looked at any of the frost plugs in the block or on the head?

i Will post pics later in the next couple days that i could take with the cell.... CULPRIT = the intake gasket i will also try to do a write up as best i can. As far as my step dad and I can tell no major damage i might have caught it just in time....if there is such a thing and if i am that lucky!!! it is the intake manifold gasket it blew at the back of the block as close to the dash of the passenger side
( the firewall ) i think is my best edumacated gess.... NLOL i have the engine stripped almost next to rebuilding the top end as i can get. i am gonna do my best to keep this updated in all things i do right or wrong soother peolpe may learn this most important thing.... If you PLAY you will pay at some point... BUT also if you do something take your time and do it right i so far have avoided breaking/damaging anything ( other than 1 fuel injector plastic connector thingy.) ALSO DO NOT TOUCH THE INJECTOR it will ruin the spray pattern..... LOL go ahead and ask me how I Know.!!!!!! so far damage is intake gasket blew out passenger backside closest to the dashboard. from what i see the camshaft valves springs rods and what not are good. no scoring ( scratches )that WE my step dad and i can find. so i hope with noob redneck luck is just intake gasket failure and a good seafoam cleaning will fix. THANK YOU PREVIUOS OWNER FOR NEVER PMCS'ing ( Preventive Maintenance And Care Scheduled ) the vehicle. $%^H&*( .... and i noticed ( pics to follow ) the fan neeeeeeeds to be replaced also due to str9ess cracks from heating cooling a 20+ year old vehicle
i am puting new air filter, intake gasket, thermostat, upper and lower radiator hose, plus the hose from oil fill tube to radiator thingy lucas oil tranny stabilizer new oil and filter and im gonna do a homemade snorkel and redo my IM STUCK LEAD FOOT to 3000 rpm. my dad and i went and thought back in reverse thining what happened. Case in point i hit 3000 rpm and turning front wheels back and forth hoping i would grab traction and climb out of the mud hole made for 35' inch tires. maybe educate myself to HOW TO WHEEL THE RIGHT WAY. Most important THANK YOU to Tbars4 for all your help in past thingies and Ranger X for my current problems ( i still need to rebuild my hubs and maybe my front diff ) I really appreciate the help and I hope i can return the favor someday!!! hopefully with something not so bad

Good to hear you located the leak, too bad it wasn't something overly simple and inexpensive but an intake gasket isn't the end of the world.

K so I just checked the cam and stuff it looks really good no scoring but I am waiting for the intake gasket to get here so I candy drain the rest of the oil and look for fragments of more bad news. Fingers crossed toes too other than some pretty bad carbon build up everything looks really good. I guess while I have everything off I guess I can start on the snorkel I pulled off my old xlt when I sold it but it is gonna be a little harder this go round with no drill key thingy.

Ohhhhh yes I checked the freeze plugs and they are in good shape with no weeping

K so I pulled off my hubs today and put the brake cleaner in and met them sit for about an hour. Then poured the sludge through a screen and did not find any metal or broken pieces is there any thing I should be looking for. Nothing fell out everything seems to spin still. Im not sure what exactly im looking at or for. Any ideas or opinions are welcome and thanks in advance.

Even tho ford says the hubs don't come apart, they can be taken apart with common tools and inspected, the gears ware or fold over that prevents engagement, depending on the problem, the one gear can be flipped over and provide more service. Always stop before putting the TC in 4x4 or damage to the Auto hubs will happen. Parts are not available for the Auto hubs, they can only be replaced.

Ok I apologize in advance for long posts life is sucky at the moment. I have a lot on my plate so the write up and pics will be a little while. So I got the engine back together it is running but has a really rough idle when I put the FPR back on the o ring got ruined so I went and got a new o ring and reinstalled it it runs really rough I have been searching the forum and a few said O2 sensor is bad 1said a vac line is possibly broke. It seems to stumble during acceleration on test drive I did check firing order its good to go. I don't have access to a fuel pressure guage thingy or a digital ohmeter. Any ideas on where to start ?
