Oil leaking on my 97 EB! urrrgh! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil leaking on my 97 EB! urrrgh!


Active Member
October 25, 2010
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City, State
belfast, me
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 EB 302 AWD
so im trying to chase down this oil leak and now im trying on here. i have searched and found nothing of use. the oil seems to be coming from the driverside front right under where the trannyfluid lines enter the radiator. i looked and looked and looked and found nothing it is a 97 EB 5.0 awd. im thinking oil cooler but i need to know what to look at and where im familiar with my 95 4.0l but this thing is a whole new ball game!

please guys im going nuts!:mad:

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Is it oil or tranny fluid? I have a 97 5.0 and mine has a tranny cooler.

I was told to check the oil pressure sending unit and make sure the oil filter is tight and that the gasket is still good and didnt blow out. The oil is leaking down the ac lines that go to the condenser beside the filter. Its definatly not tranny fluid but it is coming from where the tranny lines come down on the inside of the frame.

no ideas? there has to be someone that has run into this issue!

With higher mileage there is a good chance the front engine seal is leaking. It's possible to replace the seal with the timing cover in place, but the sealing surface, which is the 'nose' section of the harmonic balance, tends to develop a groove over time. The pulley will look dry because spinning sprays the oil around.

the oil is coming from one spot. not from a bunch of spots. if it was a seal and leaking on the pulley it would be spraying everywhere from it spinning like you said. but my problem is coming from what it looks like the oil cooler. maybe i have a leak in iut somewhere. my only problem is i dont know where the cooler lines run to inspect them. the oil is running down the tranny lines where they pass over the frame. i will post pictures if i can get in there to get a decent enough picture. thanks for trying though.


THere is a power steering cooler in front--is this what is leaking? Possibly yhe power steering pump?

The oil cooler is on the driver side of the engine, there is a gasket between the block and oil cooler adapter. You should notice a 2 section lower radiator hose, this is where the coolant enters the oil cooler adapter. The oil filter also spins onto it.
There is a 3/4" bolt holding it to the block.

THere is a power steering cooler in front--is this what is leaking? Possibly yhe power steering pump?

The oil cooler is on the driver side of the engine, there is a gasket between the block and oil cooler adapter. You should notice a 2 section lower radiator hose, this is where the coolant enters the oil cooler adapter. The oil filter also spins onto it.
There is a 3/4" bolt holding it to the block.

AWESOME! ok is there anyway you can get me picture of yours maybe? that sounds like what my problem is.

AWESOME! ok is there anyway you can get me picture of yours maybe? that sounds like what my problem is.

Best I can do real quick is link you to this thread-
post 105 shows an oil filter adapter placed where the stock oil cooler is--


It is easy to find, your oil filter screws into it. It should be right behind the AC compressor

There should be a 2 piece lower radiator hose-the oil cooler is what these 2 hoses connect to, between the radiator and water pump.

It bolts to the driver side of the engine block. Oil, and water both circulate thru it to achieve heat exchange. There is a seal between it and the block.

now can you find it?

i got my wifes jeep done today so i pulled the explorer in and i got it jacked up and on stands. so next day off im going to try to find the problem. thanks for the link thats an awesome looking mouty! but no dice on trying to find a decent picture.

so sprayed it down with brake kleen and started it up the other day and watched it. the only place i can think of nthat it would be coming from is one of the cooler lines BUT the lines that run into the rad on the driverside are tranny cooler lines right? if they are then why do they run to another auxilary cooler in front of the rad. on the pass. side? it is confusing.

it was a tranny cooler line.. yikes i guess it is time for a tranny fluid change! lol :rolleyes:
