Old newbee with a 2020 ST | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Old newbee with a 2020 ST


Elite Explorer
July 13, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Phoenix, Arizona USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Explorer ST in RED!
Traded a 2023 Cayenne Turbo on this 2020 ST this week; I guess I got tired of driving that gorgeous, expensive thing back and forth to lunch or somewhere local a couple times per week while it cost me about $30 PER DAY in registration fees, insurance, and interest*. Now I have cash coming back, no auto loan, and a VERY sharp-looking, silver Ex (which is its name).
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2023Jul15_DSC0603_Ex fm RF_1500w.jpg

Ex is still stock, but I've ordered wheels...
2020Dec17_DSF0074_New front tire & wheel_1500wjpg.jpg

...and already have tires for it.

More later. It's nice to be here.

* and the loan was for only about one-third the purchase price.

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Welcome to the forum. I hope you have as good of luck with your '20 ST as we've had with ours. It's been a great vehicle. :chug:

Welcome. Nice looking ride.

I guess the 2020 was very good but not excellent enough; traded it last WE for this 2022 ST.
2023Sep14_DSC0687_In driveway_2000w.jpg

Only 10K-miles and with 2nd-row bench seats. The steering feel is MUCH-less 'jerky', that is, smoother. Overall, it's very much like the '20, so it's an incremental-but-significant-to-me improvement for not much money. Retained my aftermarket wheels and tires.

Good thing I had NOT installed the new struts, shocks, lowering springs, and BIG brakes on the '20!

BTW my daughter and I averaged almost 72MPH for 905 miles on the way from south Denver to my house in Phoenix; we spent many hours in the 80- and 90-miles-per-hour ranges. Drove thru several sky-emptying rainstorms on the way south; had to pull off I-25 for one microburst.

My daughter came up with a name for our 'driving team' that morphed into 'TeamLeadFoot'; cute, huh?!?!

Nice. I like the color.

And last but not least, I LOVED the color of this '22 and its bench 2nd-row seats but really missed in this '22 the larger screen and ventilated front seats of the '20 (with 401A package), so today I'm trading the '22 for a new '23.. Same color, 401A package including the big screen and ventilated front seats, and back to 2nd-row buckets.. Oh well, can't have everything unless one orders it, and even then one has to compromise.. Pic later today, not that you'll be able to see any differences.. Again retained my aftermarket tires and wheels.

Well, turned out that all THREE prospects they thought were available were NOT available, so after I considered a couple used ones the dealer had, they came up with a RED* one that's on the way to them.. As RED was one of my favorite colors, this'll be just fine.. The dealer really wanted to sell me a new car and knocked $3200 off the Total MSRP.. Still keeping my tires and wheels.

* I use all caps because this Rapid Red Metallic is REALLY RED, but I saw several red Explorers on the lot and they all looked just fine.
