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Passenger side one touch window down

Just wanted to throw some kudos to all the folks posting up their installs, and to where I ordered my module. The shipping was quick and following the included instructions the install took about 15 min. The module fit right into a void under the switches inside my '98 Sport passenger door panel. Now that the weather is warming up I'm sure I'll get more use out of it, but for the last week or so I've been rolling down the passenger window just for fun.

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I added on touch to my windows, but I did it another way. I installed a DEI 530T window module. if it is wired directly to each motor it will give you one touch from both switches, in both directions as well as all the way up, slightly open or fully open from your alarm remote.

I like that the DEI has one-touch up in addition to the down. Is the installation pretty straightforward? Did it come with directions, were they clear?

My $30 one touch down just for the passenger window isn't looking like such a bargain when $50 will get you up and down for both windows. Thanks for the heads up.

the installation of the DEI module is a little more work. As far as directions go, theres a wiring diagam and a sensitivity setting ( in case your kid gets there arm stuck it will stop the window and lower it some). You will have to cut the window motor wires and run them to the unit, as well as fused 12v+ ground and the option wires if you want to conect it to an alarm, but it can be used without.

Ive installed these in both my 1995 and My Dad's (DaExplorer) 1997.
I used modules out of some 1st gen explorers.
The only problems i had with wiring was make sure the passenger window lock isnt engaged. That prevented the switch from working on the passenger side:thumbsup:

Thanks Aldive.:salute:
Rest in Peace

Anybody ever figure out the Auto Up? I tried it with a write up for a Ranger and had no luck.Ranger Write Up
Any help would be appreciated.

Hello William, the modules only supply power to one wire until the resistance is detected when the window motor hits the load from the window stopping.

The module is wired to interrupt the one wire powering the motor. In stock auto-down applications it's installed in the one down wire to the motor.

To make it control up you just cut the up wire to the motor and install the module in with those wire ends.

If you look at the pictures I posted here, they all show a factory 93/94 Explorer limited auto-down module. I used my old module to run my right window. The wire color for the RF motor down is different than the LF wire you have yours wired into. You need to work with the other RF window wire from what I did.


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Hello William, the modules only supply power to one wire until the resistance is detected when the window motor hits the load from the window stopping.

The module is wired to interrupt the one wire powering the motor. In stock auto-down applications it's installed in the one down wire to the motor.

To make it control up you just cut the up wire to the motor and install the module in with those wire ends.

If you look at the pictures I posted here, they all show a factory 93/94 Explorer limited auto-down module. I used my old module to run my right window. The wire color for the RF motor down is different than the LF wire you have yours wired into. You need to work with the other RF window wire from what I did.

Thank You! Thats exactly what I needed I'll give this a try next time I get a chance.

The wiring is the same except for the one motor wire that you have to cut, for the module to control that wire. Post up any pictures you might take too. Regards,

I added on touch to my windows, but I did it another way. I installed a DEI 530T window module. if it is wired directly to each motor it will give you one touch from both switches, in both directions as well as all the way up, slightly open or fully open from your alarm remote.

will it give you on touch on the passenger side switch as well or just both switches on the driver side?

The modules will work for each switch that's part of that motor's circuit. My two front switches on each door operate both front windows.

I'd like to learn more about the DEI modules, they may be smaller or more efficient etc. I paid about $7 each for six OEM Ford modules.

but is it the same for the DEI 530T window module? Most of what I have read is that all the mod is done from the driver side door to work both windows... and no one has really said that it works from the passenger side just that they can control it form the drivers side... would you need two module for the passenger to be able to control his/her side as well?

Note, the wires that operate each window motor on Fords(all as far as I know), they are the same wires electrically at each switch for that window.

So the RF switch on the driver's door and the switch on the RF door, they both are connected to the RF window motor. They are specifically all grounded when no switch is pressed.

Each window switch diverts power from a power wire going to the switch, to one of the two motor wires, while also cutting the connection of that wire to ground. That means that each motor has a ground that is unchanged by a switch, and the other wire is rerouted to the power source wire.

Thus, since the pairs of wires at the main switch are the same electrically as each other door switch, the module will allow each pair of switches to do the same thing. I think you could place the modules all in the LF door, or in the doors you want affected.

Don't let my window wiring confuse the subject, as I have two master switches, one on each front door. That was my mail vehicle, so I wanted control of all four windows from the RF seat. I had to add two relays to each door(window wiring), to isolate the motors so that the master switches wouldn't be fighting each other.

It's been four years since I did that wiring, but I still know how the circuits work fairly well.


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Finally figure out the one touch up. Made a How-to on it...

Has anyone done the dei 530t to a 3rd gen?

my passenger door no power

i let sum idiot intall my after market stereo and now my passenger door on my 99 ford explorer sport so 2 door has no power whatsoever checked fuses there fine what to do next........

excelente aporte amigo... muy util y versatil...

Note, the wires that operate each window motor on Fords(all as far as I know), they are the same wires electrically at each switch for that window.

So the RF switch on the driver's door and the switch on the RF door, they both are connected to the RF window motor. They are specifically all grounded when no switch is pressed.

Each window switch diverts power from a power wire going to the switch, to one of the two motor wires, while also cutting the connection of that wire to ground. That means that each motor has a ground that is unchanged by a switch, and the other wire is rerouted to the power source wire.

Thus, since the pairs of wires at the main switch are the same electrically as each other door switch, the module will allow each pair of switches to do the same thing. I think you could place the modules all in the LF door, or in the doors you want affected.

Don't let my window wiring confuse the subject, as I have two master switches, one on each front door. That was my mail vehicle, so I wanted control of all four windows from the RF seat. I had to add two relays to each door(window wiring), to isolate the motors so that the master switches wouldn't be fighting each other.

It's been four years since I did that wiring, but I still know how the circuits work fairly well.

Don, do you have a wiring diagram or schematic that I can follow to install master switch on my passenger door? And do you remember where you sourced the panel insert for the passenger side door?

Don, do you have a wiring diagram or schematic that I can follow to install master switch on my passenger door? And do you remember where you sourced the panel insert for the passenger side door?

I documented some of the details in my thread showing how I rebuilt my 99 Limited using my old 93 Limited, to make the mail vehicle. Go to post 147 on this 4th page, and the pictures there will explain how much wiring was involved to add master controls to the right door.

I had to add two new power window wires to each of the four doors, leading from the new master RF switch, to each new relay in each door. So I added two relays to each door, which are required to isolate the original circuits from the new ones. So in this truck all 16 window wires are used just to trigger a relay, and the power comes from the blue/black or red/blue power wire. The right master switch gets its power from the red/blue wire, which means that my left master switch can still disable the other three door controls.

It's a lot of work. Here's a picture diagram showing the master switch wire colors;


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