Passive lock with intelligent key? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Passive lock with intelligent key?


New Member
October 5, 2013
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2014 Sport
Am I missing something? My other cars that have a similar key all automatically lock when you walk away. Is there a setting where I have to activate this? Being able to walk up to the Explorer, open the door, start it and drive away without taking the fob out of your pocket is great. Then you either have to remember to stop and lock the car with the touchpad, or take the fob out of your pocket and lock the car. Seems kind of dumb, even if it's just a default setting.

I think I've left the thing unlocked more then locked because I'm so used to not having to worry about it.:(

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Am I missing something? My other cars that have a similar key all automatically lock when you walk away. Is there a setting where I have to activate this? Being able to walk up to the Explorer, open the door, start it and drive away without taking the fob out of your pocket is great. Then you either have to remember to stop and lock the car with the touchpad, or take the fob out of your pocket and lock the car. Seems kind of dumb, even if it's just a default setting.

I think I've left the thing unlocked more then locked because I'm so used to not having to worry about it.:(
Welcome to the Forum Redsand187.:wavey:
The Explorer does not lock itself. It does a lot of things, but not that. All I do after I park it is press the little black rectangle on the door handle and everything locks. I've driven many cars but never had one that automatically locks itself. Not really sure if I'd want that anyway.


I had my cts cadillac that it would lock it self after 5min. Of me exiting the car, but it also had the keypad and if i left the remote in the car it would not lock and it would chirp to let me know keys where left in the car.

Then you either have to remember to stop and lock the car with the touchpad, or take the fob out of your pocket and lock the car.

I think Peter answered this but you don't need to use the numbered keypad to lock it up, a light tough of the black "button" on the handle does the trick.

My wife got a 2013 BMW X3 a year ago with "comfort access", and it works the same as the Explorer. No automatic locking when you walk away.

Bummer, my Dad's Corvette locks/unlocks automatically... no button press needed at all.

Does anyone know if the seat/mirror memory automatically is set based on what keyfob is in the persons pocket when the door is opened, or do you have to press the button once in?

Does anyone know if the seat/mirror memory automatically is set based on what keyfob is in the persons pocket when the door is opened, or do you have to press the button once in?
If it is the same as my 2011, you have to press a button on the driver's door. There are 3 buttons to allow for 3 different setting. You can check out the Owner's Guide online at; See page 161.

Just select the Year/Make/Model and click on Find My Vehicle. It may be a good idea to download and save the PDF file to your computer. I find it much easier to located items in the guide by using the computer's FIND command.


Thanks for the info Peter. I hope that's not the case. Our Equinox currently does it based on the keyfob.

I'll check the manual. Thanks for the link.

From the manual...

"Recalling memory positions with the remote control
You can recall memory positions when you press unlock on your remote
control (if the transmitter is programmed to a memory position) or,
when you enter a valid personal entry code that is programmed to a
memory position"

Nice! :)

Doesn't look like it will do it when the door is opened without the button press, but still not bad.

From the manual...

"Recalling memory positions with the remote control
You can recall memory positions when you press unlock on your remote
control (if the transmitter is programmed to a memory position) or,
when you enter a valid personal entry code that is programmed to a
memory position"

Nice! :)

Doesn't look like it will do it when the door is opened without the button press, but still not bad.
Being the only driver, I've never needed to program the remote control to a memory position.:D
Also the 3 button pad is shown on page 161.


The seat and other items are set by you. then

2013 p. 65 manual says - press unlock button on remote control or activate intelligent access to recall memory.

Memory is programmed to the transmitter by:

Pressing the 1 number button next to your Lock/Unlock buttons.
Wait for 1 tone, then wait for a 2nd tone.

Then within 3 seconds press the lock button on the remote.

Then after 10 seconds press the unlock on the remote.

Repeat for other drivers memory settings 2 or 3 on your door.

Would be cool if it could detect which fob is used when NOT using the button (to unlock) though and have it setup when I get in. Yes, i'm lazy! ;)

The seat and other items are set by you. then

2013 p. 65 manual says - press unlock button on remote control or activate intelligent access to recall memory.

Memory is programmed to the transmitter by:

Pressing the 1 number button next to your Lock/Unlock buttons.
Wait for 1 tone, then wait for a 2nd tone.

Then within 3 seconds press the lock button on the remote.

Then after 10 seconds press the unlock on the remote.

Repeat for other drivers memory settings 2 or 3 on your door.

Ah.... so it will work as I would like. That is cool.

Ah.... so it will work as I would like. That is cool.

Yes, if you program the key to your seat setting number, it will adjust all your settings when you grab the door handle to get in.

But then Easy Access activates? ( seat moves up to your driving position)
I would have to climb in when its on, much better for me if the seat is in its default so I can get in. :thumbsup:

Or does it stay put and then moves once you start the car?

But then Easy Access activates? ( seat moves up to your driving position)
I would have to climb in when its on, much better for me if the seat is in its default so I can get in. :thumbsup:

Or does it stay put and then moves once you start the car?

As soon as you grab the outside door handle, the seats and mirrors start adjusting and are in place by the time you sit down.

The seat and other items are set by you. then

2013 p. 65 manual says - press unlock button on remote control or activate intelligent access to recall memory.

Memory is programmed to the transmitter by:

Pressing the 1 number button next to your Lock/Unlock buttons.
Wait for 1 tone, then wait for a 2nd tone.

Then within 3 seconds press the lock button on the remote.

Then after 10 seconds press the unlock on the remote.

Repeat for other drivers memory settings 2 or 3 on your door.

This works but in my experience is very finicky to actually program. Once programmed, when you unlock the vehicle with a particular fob in your pocket (you don't have to use the button on the fob) it will move the seat/mirrors/steering wheel into the saved position. The seat and steering wheel will be moved into the comfort access position (seat 2" further back, steering wheel moved forward and up) and will move to the actual saved position once the ignition is started.

My wife and I always use the same key but as I use the car more often I have memory position 1 linked to the key; when she gets in the car she has to press memory button 2 each time to get everything set up as she likes it, but if I go to drive it after she's been somewhere everything is automatically moved to my saved settings.
