Pics of the new 26s I just bought. | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pics of the new 26s I just bought.

They are the Diablo Elite 26s.....they got a 7 inch lip, and I will be putting them on my Explorer when the pollen eases up. These are just a few pics of them still in the box. I don't know if I'm going to paint the black inserts red like I did with my 24s or keep them black....




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Are you really getting defensive over someone elses ugly a$$ truck? Seriously, you post a pic of a truck that maybe 8 people on the planet think looks good (and 5 of those are drug dealers) people are gonna say if they think it's ugly. And that abortion is FUGLY. I mean, if you listen to country, I'd tell you your music sucks to. That's the joy of Public Forums. Ya just gotta have a thicker skin.

Wow, thats trollish and plain unnecessary. It's one thing to say you don't like someone else's truck... but you're just being an instigator.

As for the 6's, they look dank on your sport. I like the two-tone too.

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yes these wheels catch pretty much everyones eye as im goin down the road....especially everyone driving an explorer :) I have already got more compliments on these wheels than i did with my 20s 22s and 24s combined....

Those are Sick dude

I almost forgot, time for new plates? :D

I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I liked the first ones better. I know, that's not the consensus of the crowd, but.... The pics of these new ones makes the black look purple in the daylight. Either go to a different black or paint them like the last ones. My .02. The two-tone does look really good. It makes the cab look taller somehow. Kind of like a Land Rover.

I don't know if i missed it or if you even posted it, what size tires did you run and was any clearance needed. i'm trying to order my wheels and need to know what sizes to get since the shops around here don't do much with 26's i have to order exact with no test fits

I'm not that much into huge wheels, more of an offroad guy but holy crap that ex is awesome! Love the paint too

Considering something bigger yet?

For example a local guy around here has 28's on his Chrysler 300.

I'm bout to put 26s on my 01 sport.
Should i stick with the 255/30/26 or use 275/25/26 tires?
My offset is +13 the wheels is 26X9.5
