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Po' man's porting technique


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Thought I would pass this one along.

Hey guys, I've got a 98 1.8T. I've had a k04 and chip for a while and wanted to get more performance. I was recommended to port and polish the intake and exhaust. We found out they used abrasive material to do it like gritty sand. So I got with my friend that tunes Hondas and we decided to try it ourselves.

We got a bag of sandblasting sand and hooked up into the intake and started the car. We had to hold the gas so it would run. He wanted to let the engine suck in the sand through the intake so it would port it out and then push it out the exhaust so it would port the exhaust manifold.

I was worried that it might cause problems but he figured it'd be OK as long as we didn't make boost and it get sucked in the turbo. After running the car and letting it suck in sand we got about half way through a 25 lb bag. The check engine light was on and the engine was bucking and kicking and sounding really weird. We stopped and hooked the car back up normal and took off the sand supply. We tried to start it again and it was really hard. Once started it couldn't idle and kept making weird noises. We took it out and drove it and it started to make scraping and knocking noises.

Help! Can anyone tell me what to do! My buddy only does Hondas so he doesn't know much about Audis.

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...roflmao, :eek:...this can't be for real, lol...:confused:...lmao...

wow. amazing.....

Ahaha thats gotta be some kind of a joke.

No WAY that's real. NO ONE could be that dumb.

That has been running around several boards for a while now. General consensus is that it's a joke post, but no clear answer...Still funny as hell though!!:D

I vote real. There are reasons that there are signs next to urinals that say "water not safe to drink"

These people are that reason.


I once knew a guy that used crisco cooking oil because his engine was low on oil...I kid you not. And yes, the motor blew.

I think the problem here is the cylinders got bored out. Easy fix; just re-ring the thing.....retards.

ha lol what dumb a$$e$ lol

Actually, if he really did that, there is a super easy fix...


I would think let it run until the banging and knocking stops then remove the oil pan and check to see exactly which parts are damaged. They will be the ones in the pan. Just replace and go.

lol... some people

like the guy that stuck his finger in the turbo inlet, guess he didn't think it sucked in air or something.

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Putting some laundry detergent in the gas tank and letting 5psi out of the front tires will get the motor going...but if you let out 6psi, it will be too rich.
