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Post yer 94 pictures

Thank you!!! Nice truck! Haven't seen one that color before.

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'94 Ford Explorer XLT, 4.0L V6, 4x4 Automatic. Picked it up here:

...will be turning it into the Jurassic Park Explorer... once it's cleaned and tuned up.

hello people!
Here I go from argentina!
Excuse me for my delays in the answers!
My english is not the best !

Nice Aeromax!

Thanks! Although it's not in the greatest condition, I had to replace the muffler, the air filter, eventually the wind-shield, and invest in new screen-accurate tires (BFGoodrich All-Terrain) by winter... Rust over the fuel door and a spot over the front right fender needs to be looked after... At least it runs good and I think I got it for a good deal.

Lately I've degreased the engine bay and did a lot of interior detailing. Treated the tires with my favourite tire foam and finished aerosol priming and painting the four rims yesterday. Here's some shots:

I am however, a bit concerned about the yellow colour, it's pretty sharp. Though I like it, I'm going to coat it with clear once it's safe to do so.

I just can't wait to get started sanding the main body, it's going to be a lot of fun painting it! Others around me think it's a big deal but it's not that big of a deal imo. I mean it needs to be done, the paints chipping and the rust needs to be taken care of. So there you have it, I'll be back when there's more to update on.

Thanks! Although it's not in the greatest condition, I had to replace the muffler, the air filter, eventually the wind-shield, and invest in new screen-accurate tires (BFGoodrich All-Terrain) by winter... Rust over the fuel door and a spot over the front right fender needs to be looked after... At least it runs good and I think I got it for a good deal.

Lately I've degreased the engine bay and did a lot of interior detailing. Treated the tires with my favourite tire foam and finished aerosol priming and painting the four rims yesterday. Here's some shots:

I am however, a bit concerned about the yellow colour, it's pretty sharp. Though I like it, I'm going to coat it with clear once it's safe to do so.

I just can't wait to get started sanding the main body, it's going to be a lot of fun painting it! Others around me think it's a big deal but it's not that big of a deal imo. I mean it needs to be done, the paints chipping and the rust needs to be taken care of. So there you have it, I'll be back when there's more to update on.

LOVE the Matchbox look with the yellow rims!!!!! SSOOO 90s!!

My first one. Did 5.5" superlift with 33" pro comp m/t's.

Second one. Bone stock with 32's.

Current one. Bone stock eddie.

How's that for a thread resurrection?!

1994 sporty 5.5 inch lift. Hurculiner body. All body rust got cut out and all new sheet metal welded in sitting on 35/14/15 tires. My third 1st gen sporty.


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Pic of me in my '94 racing at Bandimere Speedway.

Pugly outgrew the 33" BFG KM2 (seen in the top pic), and has worn a couple sets of 35's over the last few years.

middle pic is the 35" Procomp MT's and last pic is the current 35" BFG A/T KO's with flares added.


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My first one. Did 5.5" superlift with 33" pro comp m/t's.

Second one. Bone stock with 32's.

Current one. Bone stock eddie.

How's that for a thread resurrection?!

That's some serious thread revival!

Never have I seen an ex on the dragstrip. I wonder how it did..

Last fall when this photo was taken I was running mid 19s. I'm now in the 16s. Best run so far is a 16.45 while on the brakes during bracket racing eliminations. Bandimere Speedway is 5800 feet so cars run much slower up here.

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Last fall when this photo was taken I was running mid 19s. I'm now in the 16s. Best run so far is a 16.45 while on the brakes during bracket racing eliminations. Bandimere Speedway is 5800 feet so cars run much slower up here.

Very interseting. Ive thought about grafting a 302 in my sport. I probably wouldn't race it, but it would be fun to drive. Its fun now with a 4.0. What all have you done to your truck?
