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Power Programmers

I have a '98 Explorer XLT with a 4.0L OHV V6 engine. I'm looking for a performance chip or programmer that I can buy to gain some easy horse power. What is the best brand to get and where can i get one that's made for my specific vehicle?

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SCT definately has the best option for your application. Custom tuning is great.-j

Talk to James (jah81592) in here. He will take care of you.



vendor fight!

No, I have mutual respect for James in this field. At the end of the day if we can both take care of our customer base properly that is all that matters.

Nothing against the other vendors.
But James stepped up for me when I was against the wall. This level of dedication to the hobby, and to me personally has earned him a loyal customer in Kansas.

That being said,

Boy is it nice to see competition--FINALLY!!!!!!

Understood. If James does the job for you stick with him.

I have been with SCT from the beginning I just never advertised it or spent as much time as I should have over here. That is changing right now.

What's the change of heart? I don't have a problem with this, I do have respect for others which vendor on certain sites. I only do this one and another, both the same platform.-j
