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Prerunner bumper

Precummer bumper

Hey, since I just became ELITE, I think I should celebrate by posting the latest mod. Last weekend me and sirhk100 built a prerunner bumper for my X. He did most of the work, while I chilled and drank beer:D . It was fun though...

The thing is made outta .120 wall mild steel tubing. I will take a few more pics today after I put the skidplate on. I bought a piece of metal for it yesterday from IMS for like $15, so I guess it was a smokin deal. The skidplate is made outta .125 aluminum sheeit. Enjoy!!(if I can figure out how to post pics):rolleyes:


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Originally posted by sirhk100
Once I settle on a design that I'm really happy with I'm going to build a bolt on version and do a fixture off of it so that I can build them off of the vehicle. I'm sure shipping to your neck of the woods on a bumper like this would be EXPENSIVE but that's eventually what I would like to be doing. I think there's a market there to make a little side $$$.
How much do you think you would charge? Just a rough estimate and I could get shipping pretty cheap if you could get it shipped freight with like Yellow or something.

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I'm not sure yet but I'm thinking in the neighbor hood of $300ish, maybe less or more depending on the design I settle on and how long it takes me. Josh's was a LONG day but there was a ton of screwing around and slacking in between. If I can find another Exploder around here I could build 3 off of it, one to leave on the Exploder, one to use to build my jig and one for you. It'll be awhile still. I'm guessing that the one I build for my Exploder will be similar in design to what I want to sell as a bolt on. Problem with mine is I've already boxed the frame in and built it to the point that it would be a PAIN to go backwards and do a bolt on. Plus, I'm gonna be selling my Exploder soon so this is just a quicky to get some practice and increase the selling potential of it cause every kid in SoCal wants one of these it seems like!!!

My room mate paid $600 for just the bent tubing on his about a year ago, I had to notch and weld the entire thing together...

We could work something out. If you're interested, keep an eye on this thread, I'll keep it updated with projects and once I get to the point where I personally feel like I could produce a quality enough bumper to charge for we'll see what we can do. I'm guessing these aren't too popular in WV?

Is your's the older TTB style Explorer or newer? That's one thing I'll have to check into and see if the frame mounting points are different... Nevermind... Just read your signature...

BTW Josh, sorry for hi-jacking the thread!!!


Yeah, sorry Josh :D
Mine is the older style of TTB and they aren't too popular around here. My brother got the first one that CoryL made and I just fell in love with them after that. It's very strong and looks great. Here's what his looks like, he's got room to put a wench whenever he gets one, he also has a SAS.




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That's along the lines of what I'm going to do as far as mounting goes... I don't know about a winch plate though, hadn't thought about it. I could build something very similar to that but my personal tastes would make it a little different. More of a "SoCal" touch to it. No offense Coryl if you see this, that one is still REALLY nice and better then I could probably do right now but give me a little more time to practice my notches. This one I did this weekend is already leaps and bounds better then the first and I would expect each to just keep getting better...

I'm not trying to knock Cory's or anything because his is SWEET but ya know I'm just checking out some options.

F@$! YOU KHRIS!!!! j/k. Hey thougt you'd like to know, I jacked up the front end by the bumper today with my higlift. The side of the bar flexes up cuz there aint no reinforcement on it, but then I moved it in more under the upper hoop and it worked better. At least I know I can jack by it now.

Next time you're down my way we'll through some support bars on the side. I bought 20" of 1" and need to use that die. That's what I'm gonna use on mine but then again I don't plan on lifting from the bumper. We'll beef that area up fo shizzle my nizzle!!!

Time for one big bendin / weldin party. If only I spent as much time bulding a rig as drinking I'd be there already.

Would an electric grinder with a cut off wheel be able to cut the frame? What did you use?

TDG-Hey I'm there man!! It looks like I'm getting a little Lincoln 100 mig welder too!! I'm stoked so I can start welding stuff and that sort of thing.

Khris-Sounds good dude, 20" of 1" huh? Thats a lot;)

I can attest to the strengh of JoshC's bumper, I saw it support the truck while being pulled across a creek with no front end to speak of and no rear end working, it was truly an incredibly strong bumper and did what it was supposed to do!

Cool deal with the welder, is it a hand-me-down or a new unit? If you're buying it new you may be better served in the future by saving a few pennies and going with a larger 175 / 210 unit. IMHO.


I used a torch to get it close, then used a grinding wheel to finish.

Yeah, when I chopped my friends frame I used a torch and then cleaned it up with a hand grinder. 20 feet of 1 inch is what I've got!!!

Seriously the hardest part of these things is the notching. If you can get the gaps tight then the welds are easy. I HATE welding upside down cause I don't have welding leathers and then you through gaps in there and it sucks!!!!

Originally posted by Josh S.
I'm getting it used for $100. And I know where to get a torch setup for $60.:cool:

Ah torch welding/cutting. IMO an excellent start for anyone learning welding, rapidly becoming a lost art with all of the inexpensive MIG setups on the market.

What are yall currently using to notch tubing? Hole saws? Hole saw jigs? Drill press?

Where can i get a JD2 used and could i get a torch setup also for $60?

You might also want to look for a Pro-tools 105 or 105HD I think M-tech makes benders similar to the JDII and the 105. I think the M-tech uses JDII dies and the Pro-tools uses it's own. From what I've seen these things don't turn up often on the secondary market and when they do they seem to hold their value well.

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For a JD2 used, you might check the classifides at Although I don't think there are any in there right now. The torch setup I'm gettin off some old guy that doesn't use it.:)
