Problem with reverse lights.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Problem with reverse lights....

alright, so i just got my windows tinted. limo tint on ALL the windows (minus windshield) and it looks sick. only problem is now i cant see outside when I'm backing up at night! l o l. anyone got any ideas for me to get some extra lighting back there? i need it to be inconspicuous and not look weird. anything would be of help. (i was thinking of foglamps under the bumper (like hidden behind so you cant see them) and having them shine onto ground. or upgrading the bulbs in the reverse lights to something super bright with upgraded wiring.

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Sorry, you gotta do a "search" and see what has been done already.

Lots of posts about this subject.


How's this going ?

Have you picked the lights and the mounting location ?

nope not yet :( ive been working on my stereo for now, im still thinkin of what i can do. either upgradin the bulbs or buying some fogs and mounting hidden under the bumper.

Luck on the stereo system.

The only problem with upgrading the bulbs is the existing wiring is OK for the stock OEM but not much else.
If the bulbs are 35 watts each you might get away with 55 watts bulbs but no more than that; although the 55 watts bulbs are good.
If you mount the aux backup light under the bumper there is a good possibility that they will be broken off.

Consider mounting the Backup Lights on the bumper or above the rear hatch, mounted on the rack and make sure if you use aux lights to hook them up using a relay and new fused power wire.

hrmm, alright. this truck is street only, im going to lower it soon, i want this to be discrete. i dont think they will have a issue with being dmged as the bumper will be hit first. i was also looking at a LED conversion.
