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Problems after sea foam


September 20, 2004
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Year, Model & Trim Level
00' XLT
Hey all, I had some pinging issues in my 2000 4.0 SOHC it currently has 77xxx miles. Anyhow i ran some sea foam thru it the other day, had a moderate amount of smoke come out, but when the smoke cleared up it started idling very rough and has not stopped since, also the check engine light came on as well. I started it this morning and it's still idling very rough, but the check engine light is no longer on. Should i do another treatment??

Another detail is that the roughness seems to go away above 2000rpm..

Any suggestions???

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You've probably fouled a spark plug or two. Having the codes pulled that caused the check engine light to come on will help to direct you to the cylinder(s) in question.

How many miles have you driven since seafoaming it?I recently did mine and got a rough idle afterwards,sorta sounded and felt like a plug was fouled.After driving for 20-30 miles the problem went away.I've also read that the seafoam could cause a chunk of trash (carbon) to stick to the face of a valve and cause a misfire.

I've driven about 40 miles since the treatment.

My truck ran very bad after running engine cleaner thru it. It chugged to the point where i had almost no power unless I really layed on it. I took it home, shut it off, let it sit, started a but later and it semeed a lot happier.

have used Sea Foam for years and any motor that I ran through has always run smoother after its use.

As I am unfamiliar with the "Seafoam" brand product, I have perfomed many combustion chamber cleanings with the chemical Ford makes, and have in some cases seen spark plugs foul. But in most cases, those plugs were in need of replacement to begin with.

Thanks for the feedback, I recently replaced the plugs about 1000 miles ago, but the are the Bosch plugs and i've heard they pretty much suck, so i'm going to replace them and see what happens.

Bosch plugs are a love 'em or hate 'em thing... I hate 'em...

Your Ford motor will perform best with Motorcraft plugs.

I did the Seafoam Deep Creep for the first time (usually do the straight liquid) - let it sit 7-8 minutes and started it up - got TONS of smoke for the first time - had to stay on the throttle for a bit to keep it going but when it finally fired up i got the smokescreen people rave about. The neighbors were concerned but i told them i was just cleaning the engine. I've got a pic out the back window while i was driving :D - need to resize it and will post it later on - but i digress...

Anyway, just this morning i got some serious surging/spuddering and pulled a new code, 0302, Cylinder 2 misfire (usually 402). Haven't pulled the plug yet, but before i do should i bank on a new plug or can the old (2 months?) plug be cleaned & reinstalled? What else should i look for while i'm in there that could cause the misfire?

Thanks guys :thumbsup:

aldive said:
Your Ford motor will perform best with Motorcraft plugs.

LOL, do they pay you to say that?

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