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Project X = Wheel Bearing Issues

I just put in a set of Timken bearings marked made in usa into my exploder from auto zone. They seem to be fine. Don't forget you get what you pay for. "Value" :)

Also, I learned something this time (we got a new exploder, so I did ball joints and new seals and bearings). The inner most washer on the axle shaft- it is a hard plastic washer around 1/8" thick with 1 tapered interior edge that rides over the outer axle shaft near the ujoint nuckle between the shaft itself and the inner side of the spindle- must be installed with the taper facing away from the spindle. Ie- the tapered inner edge rides facing the ujoint.

I installed the washer backwards on one side. This resulted in a tighter outer "c clip" and the end of the axle shaft. I installed the c clip with some effort and put it back together. Everything was fine until an extended amount of 4x4 usage when all of the sudden it sounded like my front hub was coming apart in 2x4. This is when I discovered a dislodged c clip on the outer shaft and a popped off circlip inside the hub. All due to a backward installation of the inner washer. FYI I guess.

On an unrelated note, I think this may be the reason that the c clips on Dana 44s fit sometimes and other times dont. Atleast, I think it is why one side fit on my Dana 44 and the other didn't.

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Do happen to have a picture?

It sounds like you are talking about the inner spindle seal - which is pressed into the back of the spindle, not free-floating on the axle.

No. It is not pressed. Not that one. It is free floating. It slides on the axle shaft first, then the rubber seal that seats around the bearings inside the spindle, then the spindle. It is a plastic washer that is about 1/4" wide and about 1" inner diameter, 1 1/2" outer diameter and 1/8" thick. One inner edge is tapered all he other edges are square. I just dug through my FSM for a good pic, but it kinda lumps all those washers together as a "seal" in all of it's pics. It is a piece included in the infamous "BK1" napa seal kit.

Ok, I found some diagrams. It is the one second from the left:

Here is a diagram for the orientation/ order. Again, it is the one third from the left. If installed backwards, it does not prevent the outer c clip from being installed, but causes unneccessary tension on it that may cause the clip to become dislodged and sound aweful.


one more person says I "got what I paid for" and I swear to God I will have a stroke! I am quite aware of the **** choice I made. The idea was not to besmirch those that fell for the "value craft" spell but to make sure that no one else falls for it.

No worries dude. I am a cheap suck too.:D

Ok, I found some diagrams. It is the one second from the left:

Here is a diagram for the orientation/ order. Again, it is the one third from the left. If installed backwards, it does not prevent the outer c clip from being installed, but causes unneccessary tension on it that may cause the clip to become dislodged and sound aweful.


We are talking about the same part. The ones I use are one piece (that can become two pieces quite easily.)

..I did my front brakes/rotors on the Ranger today and all the bearings were fine after about 2000 miles of offroad travel and 15-20,000 miles of daily driving..

..The spindle nuts were also fine but I replaced them with new Dana 44 spindle nuts which gained me to full sets of trail spares of spindle nuts and I saved the two outer bearings also just in case..:biggthump

...The Timken bearings were $15.99 plus but the dang big seal was like $6 @...Timken changed their packaging again on the bearings with no country origin on the box or tags and now you can't tell if they are made in the USA and they still have their little mark on the race itself saying "Timken US"..:scratch:


...The Ranger seems to never really have any of the front end problems while running the 32's like the X has running the 35's..

..The reason I mention this is they do have one front end wear component that is similar...The splined washer...I get asked about this item often enough so I thought I would post it here..

...I just take it that is a common wear problem of trucks that offroad frequent...The reason I say this as I have been grabbing spares at the JY from all kinds of TTB Dana 35 vehicles be it Ranger/Explorer with manual or auto hubs...

...I have yet to see any of these with worn splined washers but I have had them on both vehicles, different sides, and go thru one or two a year..:dunno:

...This was on the drivers side this time on the Ranger...Paper thin one still perfectly flat shown still installed and replacement spare hanging on top lug bolt..


...Not a problem as I come to expect it but just saying when you are scrounging for parts at the JY everyone leaves these laying on the ground...Be sure to snag a few while you are there just for the convenience..;)

dead thread but i wish id read it sooner cause i too fell for the ValuCRAP bearings. I will be replacing with timkens this time but was wondering a couple things. What kind of grease do you all recommend i use? I have heard that i am not supposed to put any grease on the spindle?? i have always done this is that really not good? and i think ill have to replace a spindle this time, anyone know where i can get one or do i have to go to the junkyard?

..I did my front brakes/rotors on the Ranger today and all the bearings were fine after about 2000 miles of offroad travel and 15-20,000 miles of daily driving..

..The spindle nuts were also fine but I replaced them with new Dana 44 spindle nuts which gained me to full sets of trail spares of spindle nuts and I saved the two outer bearings also just in case..:biggthump

...The Timken bearings were $15.99 plus but the dang big seal was like $6 @...Timken changed their packaging again on the bearings with no country origin on the box or tags and now you can't tell if they are made in the USA and they still have their little mark on the race itself saying "Timken US"..:scratch:


...The Ranger seems to never really have any of the front end problems while running the 32's like the X has running the 35's..

..The reason I mention this is they do have one front end wear component that is similar...The splined washer...I get asked about this item often enough so I thought I would post it here..

...I just take it that is a common wear problem of trucks that offroad frequent...The reason I say this as I have been grabbing spares at the JY from all kinds of TTB Dana 35 vehicles be it Ranger/Explorer with manual or auto hubs...

...I have yet to see any of these with worn splined washers but I have had them on both vehicles, different sides, and go thru one or two a year..:dunno:

...This was on the drivers side this time on the Ranger...Paper thin one still perfectly flat shown still installed and replacement spare hanging on top lug bolt..


...Not a problem as I come to expect it but just saying when you are scrounging for parts at the JY everyone leaves these laying on the ground...Be sure to snag a few while you are there just for the convenience..;)

Yeah I just registered, so that makes me a newb here. Been on TRS for years.
You guys are killing me!! I thought I found some new science on 35 wheel bearings. NOPE, found worse!! Had been dealing with these issues for years on my '94 supercab running 33s on standard back spaced wheels.
#1- this information comes from a Harley Davidson parts manager. The label on the packaging for parts for where it was made refers to where the packaging was made!!! NOT THE PART!!! One of the largest cardboard places in the world is in Juarez Mexico!!!! I used to live in El Paso, so trust me I know!!! The manufacture location for the part may or may not be on the part. There is also no better timken or lesser timken. They're all timkens and if you buy anything else, well HAVE FUN!!!
#2- The 1st time I did wheel bearings with a motorhead, machinist, gearhead been building vehicles for over 40 years (yes the guy is in his 60s, He said "That is the crappiest damn bearing retention setup I've ever seen in my life!" No kidding reallly. Then we did bearings, or he did bearings and I watched!!! Yeah, watch and learn grasshopper. Pressed in new timken races, don't mix and match races with bearings they come as matched sets!!! Yeah you might get by for short but they won't last. The inners and the outers are the same sets but don't mix and match them!!!
Grease everything well, either the old bump and grind bearing packing in the palm of the hand or use a bearing packer. As for the retainers and bearing preload. Well, just like any other bearing, spin the rotor tightening the bearing, work it loose, work it tight, do it several times. One time WON'T work to seat the bearing in the races with all that grease packed in there if you packed the bearing correctly!! As for tightening the inner nut, slight resistance on the spin of the rotor. Put on the ring with the holes to match the pin. Put the outer nut on, tighten to 250ftlbs. Yuup. I held the socket on the nut, he used a 200 ftlbs torques wrench. Then we took it off and used a beaker bar and added some more. before putting on the outer locknut ensure the threads on the spindle and the threads in the locknut are clean. Once torqued on outer nut, Use locktite green bearing and race retainer. Just a little drop or too, it'll seep into the threads
Been a year, no problems!! I've towed the boat on the Texas interstate 85mph, towed the utility trailer, hauled 2 1/2 cords of wood on an 18' trailer (twice), towed a small backhoe on a 20' trailer and a ditch witch. Done some tree winching for logging, sand at the beach loading/unloading the boat. all other kinds of offroad and 5mph-85mph roads, no bearing problems!!!!

Oh, we also installed new spindles which I got from Jeff's Bronco graveyard. My motorhead mentor said "Yours look like :poop:. Get some new ones!"

...If you continued reading past that years post, the issue was resolved..;)

..But your information is a nice update to what is in this thread..

...If you continued reading past that years post, the issue was resolved..;)

..But your information is a nice update to what is in this thread..

Read all 7 pages, looking for the grand enlightenment. :eek:
