question about lifting truck in my state | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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question about lifting truck in my state


Active Member
February 9, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Hooksett Nh
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
New Hampshire: Overall vehicle height cannot exceed 13.5 feet, and you can't change or alter the bumper so that is sits more than 20 inches from the ground.

does that mean i cant just play around with my bumper or by adding a lift kit it goes over that...crap man you cant do much in my state,...any suggestions?

Sometimes you have to play around with in the laws. In some states the bumper height is measured from the actual bumper, in other states it's the lowest part of the bumper like a plastic valance. Talk to people in your state or see if there are any local clubs and see what they can tell you. good luck.

VA has a similar law - and to be honest, the only way you'll get pulled for height is if the cop is having possibly the worse day in his life, or a girl. ha - but isn't height a secondary offense? I think it is here - so unless a state cop gets me for window tint, I'm okay on everything else I have.

