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Question about screen capture software


Explorer Addict
January 25, 2003
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Louisville, Kentucky
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86-98 Ranger STX
I've got a question about screen capture software.

What works good - and is either reasonably priced or freeware?

I am developping a user help guide for the offical Seminary Manual of Style for Southern Seminary and I intend to hyperlink key words (like "click on <file>) with a screen shot to show the people exactly where to click and what it looks like when it is right, and that means that I will need to capture about 300 screen shots.

I will need to capture menus, full screens, pull outs, and other screen areas - be able to save them as JPEGs, and also be able to add circles, highlights, or arrows, etc.

I am currently using Corel Capture, which works OK, but I know there has to be something better out there.


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In my Web Design class, we use Hypersnap DX which I think works pretty well. Not sure how much it costs though.

Check out a nifty program called AnalogX Capture. It's a very, very small program... maybe 1 mb to a 2-3 mb. It's a free(ware) basic program that will allow you to capture whatever is on screen or an active window at your preference--- all done in two clicks. Also, it takes snapshots according to whatever resolution your video card/monitor are at also--- up to 1024X768. The concept is to make it as easy as taking snapshots like with a real-life camera. The downside to AnalogX Capture is that the program will only encode the snapshots and captures as .bmp files--- which tend to be rather large in size according to the resolution the snapshots are taken at rather than a more accessible and compact format like .jpeg. Also, if you were to try to edit the snapshots and programs, you'd have to use an alternate solution such as using photoshop or ms paint to try to re-convert the snapshots as a .jpeg instead. Check out the program at . They have some other neat programs also too.

1996 Ford Explorer XLT
4.0L SOHC V6
K&N Filter

i just used some freeware called screenhunter, i got it from
i thought it was a very nice screen capture program

am i missing something? why would you pay for a screen capture program?! it is built into windows! try ctrl+print screen (captures entire screen sans mouse cursor) or alt+print screen, which captures the current active window. then just go into mspaint or photoshop or whatever and paste the screen image that was placed on the clipboard

I use SnagIt 7 (30 day trial) at work.

jgilbs said:
am i missing something? why would you pay for a screen capture program?! it is built into windows! try ctrl+print screen (captures entire screen sans mouse cursor) or alt+print screen, which captures the current active window. then just go into mspaint or photoshop or whatever and paste the screen image that was placed on the clipboard
These programs take out a few steps, saving loads of time when you need 10's or 100's of screen captures.
For instance you can setup SnagIt to capture the screen (or part of it) with a single command, and it will autoname and save the jpg right where you want it.

nice observation jgilbs, I didn't realize they had a built in screen capture mode in windows

1996 Ford Explorer XLT
4.0L SOHC V6
K&N Filter


I know about the windows screen capture utility, but that is very cumbersome. I have to cut and paste the parts of the window that I want in Paint (or some other program) then resave it as a jpeg or gif in a third program, making the hundreds of captures that I have to do a very slow and burdensome thing.

I actually found a freeware piece that I am going to try out that is different from any of those recommended so far. It promises to do everything that I want, and it is totally free. It will be interesting to see how it works out. It's called ScreenPrint32 and I found it on

Here is the blurb from their online website (which contains the instructions for use):

What Does It Do?


ScreenPrint32 allows you to print and/or capture to disk or clipboard, the full desktop, active window, predefined area, or user selected area of the screen. Add user defined headers and footers with date and time stamps etc, resize the printed image, convert to greyscale or negative image, fade or resize the image to reduce toner/ink usage, print by default to any available printer. It can be set up to be completely transparent to the end user.
Capture a screen area and paste directly into your documents. Easily configured with user specific or global settings which are persistent after reboot.

Images may be saved to a user selected folder in either GIF, BMP, JPG or PNG formats with user configurable file naming.

ScreenPrint32 is free to register for home/personal use with no functionality removed.

I'll report back.

Oh, BTW, I already have Corel Capture - which is far better than the windows capture, but it is still a pain to use - and doesn't have very many controls.

Jefe said:
I use SnagIt 7 (30 day trial) at work.

These programs take out a few steps, saving loads of time when you need 10's or 100's of screen captures.
For instance you can setup SnagIt to capture the screen (or part of it) with a single command, and it will autoname and save the jpg right where you want it.

I agree. Snagit! has worked awesome for manuals I've written. I've also used the 30 day trial version and it's sufficed for everything I've needed to do.
