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Quick question about air intake

I know there is a $200 intake system out there i just found this(Dead Link Removed) on ebay for 32.00. Please tell me is this too good to be true or not. I don't wanna waste money.

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I know there is a $200 intake system out there i just found this(Dead Link Removed) on ebay for 32.00. Please tell me is this too good to be true or not. I don't wanna waste money.

If you're going to cheap out, I'm sure it will work fine. First thing I'd do is replace the filter though. Think about it. For $32, all in, the filter is probably garbage. It's like buying a no-name condom from a dollar store. Don't let crap get into your engine and that's what an air filter prevents. Consider an Dead Link Removed. High quality and no oiling. I've used one for several years now and swear by them.

Also consider making an intake setup from scratch. Lots of people have done so on this forum and saved mucho $$$ in the process.

I agree with Celly, you can make one by buying a MAF adapter & a good air filter. I wasn't impressed with the MAC "Heat Sink", so I made one off of ebay with good parts and it made a noticable difference over stock. Good looking X, you going to lower it any?

drop in filter

I think the most economical improvement is to remove the cone/silencer on the lower section of the filter enclosure and to install an Amsoil drop in filter. It may not look "custom" but there will be quality air filtering, low restriction air flow, and you won't be pulling heated air from the engine bay. Many cone filters contain excess oil that contaminates the MAF sensor element.

Thanks for the help guys. I was thinking about lowering it a little, but I wont. With the drivers in Memphis I'd rather see over everybody. I'm going to get the Armsoil air filter. You're right Celly Its probably garbage.

....was the air filter you got with your Mac any good?

I used to have a MAC. They come with excellent filters (as good as any K&N I've tried and not so greasy), if you're going the oil/cotton route.

I never could justify buying the MAC and what you can make yourself will accomplish the same thing. I had made an alum enclosure from some cable tray cover, but that thing would get hot and was pulled off.

I never could justify buying the MAC and what you can make yourself will accomplish the same thing.

The MAC kit is actually a very well made setup and has a better price tag than other "brand name" kits. I actually have a MAC intake tube on my Volant based setup right now and it was of much higher quality than an el cheapo kit I scored on eBay (just to try out). It also has a pretty slick way of holding the filter in place. The filter and hardware included is decent quality too. I find the MAC kit to be a much better value than K&N or even Volant (I scored my original Volant kit for my old Sport for a good price from an EF member). I'd never pay full pop for K&N or Volant.

There is definitely a lot of margin in these kits. I've seen a lot of great "from scratch" kits that look great too. At the end of the day, they all work the same anyhow. It's really personal preference.
