Ran out of battery twice. Relays flicker really fast | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ran out of battery twice. Relays flicker really fast


Explorer Addict
July 16, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
95 + 11 Ex both XLT
So I ran out of battery twice in my Explorer. The weird thing is when I run out of battery, my car's ambers may come on or my fog lights may turn on and all I hear is relays ticking really really quickly and like there's a machine gun firing from the hood. Is that normal? Also, I don't know why but my friend stated that when he walked outside, he saw my car and the lights were on despite the fact that my lights were set to auto and the car was off with the keys out. My car was unlocked so he turned off the lights and locked the car. When I came out, I saw that one headlight was still on and the ambers were on as well. Relays were firing like crazy.

Is this just the battery being low or do I have an electrical issue? Once I jump the car, the relays stop firing and everything returns to normal.

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sounds like a low battery. stop by an auto zone or similar that does the battery testing. it doesnt just check voltage, it actually tests the cells, etc. i would imagine that once below a certain voltage, things could get goofy with all of the electronics on vehicles these days.

The relays clicking g and funky stuff is common with a low but not dead battery.

However that does not mean you have a power drain somewhere. I'd start with a new battery. I have seen batteries test fine when indeed they are junk.

Relays click when the battery gets low. But you're saying the lights won't turn off when set to auto? Do you have a spare key in the car?

Relays click when the battery gets low. But you're saying the lights won't turn off when set to auto? Do you have a spare key in the car?

I do not. I did however, lock my FOB in the car and with the low battery, I could not unlock my car lol. I don't have push button start.

I'll get the battery tested. Maybe the battery is terrible now because I completely drained the battery last year after I accidentally left the A/C on with the car off but in run mode.

Could very well be a low battery....as stated vehicles do funky things when the battery gets low. For the headlights being on the vehicle will turn the headlamps on if the vehicle doesn't see the headlight switch. While just a theory...the battery could be bad enough that it got low enough just from sitting and no longer saw the headlamp switch so kicked the headlamps on and started draining the battery more and faster?

Could very well be a low battery....as stated vehicles do funky things when the battery gets low. For the headlights being on the vehicle will turn the headlamps on if the vehicle doesn't see the headlight switch. While just a theory...the battery could be bad enough that it got low enough just from sitting and no longer saw the headlamp switch so kicked the headlamps on and started draining the battery more and faster?

If so, Ford really should have had built in low voltage protection lol. My fog lights and headlamps shouldn't come on when the battery gets super low and drain it to nothingness lol.

you might have a damaged GEM module. I think that's the FORD term. Basically the module/computer that houses all the logic and commands as well as the solid state relays that run the systems of the car that aren't directly Engine, Transmission, and Braking/stability. It's sort of the central brain.

they can get damaged with low voltage and current draw.

Regardless, a 4+ year old battery is asking for trouble with winter upon us. Cheap insurance. It's not even cold yet.

Regardless, a 4+ year old battery is asking for trouble with winter upon us. Cheap insurance. It's not even cold yet.

I picked up another lead acid battery and put it in the trunk in case. It's just odd to me since my dad's 1995 Explorer battery lasted 10 years and it was still good when we replaced it. I guess the new batteries don't last as long with the hot engine bays and all the electricity that gets drawn by the electronics.

did he keep it on a battery tender in a garage?

I've not known a car battery to last much more than 4 years if the car gets used ever.
