really bad vibration / stroker kit for an ohv | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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really bad vibration / stroker kit for an ohv


September 14, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
pembroke pines fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 sport
this is a two part question but first is there a stroker kit for an ohv 6?

okay, the main question. I have a '98 sport an when you drive around 65+ mph it shakes bad. I already researched it before and the tires are balanced. I was wondering if the powersteering could have something to do with it. Or if the drive shaft is out of balance.

(more info) sometimes at around 75 it will stop for a second, and then shake again. other times it will shake from the front to the back and shift.

the reason I asked about the powersteering is because my ps was acting up and it started to shake at slow speeds, 40+ and it made that hidious ford ps sound. it doesnt do it any more but it still shakes at 65+

any sugestions?

thanks -dom

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dmgraz said:
this is a two part question but first is there a stroker kit for an ohv 6?
thanks -dom
Yes and no. There is no commercially available stroker kit that I know of. However, you could take your crank down to a very reputable machine shop and have them offset grind it for you. You'll maybe only get about .125-.25" of extra stroke out of it and it will set your wallet back a good bit.

Check to make sure that your driveshaft is securely fastened. Mine came loose, but never fell off, and would vibrate like crazy the faster I went. Also check your U-joints.


The 4.0 is about as bored stroked as much as possible. For the money it would take for it to be worth it, you'd be better of with a 5.0 swap.

that is very interesting that they make that kit now......$2500? wowsers...

thanks for your help Ill check out the drivetrain
