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Rear axle Question


Well-Known Member
December 3, 2004
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'98 EB
Seeing as i plan on putting on the Dixon Bros long arm kit in the summer and it widens the front by 4 in's what rear axle should i swap in to match the 4 in's or come pretty close.

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most people just leave it as is, or you could put wheel spacers on

Well i found a 8.8 from a 1983 f150 for $210 is this a good axle for that price.

Any specs on it? Stock? Rebuilt? That is way too expensive for an axle that probably needs a rebuild, will probably need new gears to match your front end, and also durm brakes (all of this assuming it's stock). You can find them much cheaper than that. I personally wouldn't pay more than 150 for the rear if it's stock/good condition. Obviously more if it was already geared correctly, locked, etc.

As for what axle to use, I'd probably use the stock 8.8. When you said it widens the front, you meant 4" overall right? If anything, I'd just get spacers for the rear. JMO

It widens each side by 4in.
