Rear chrome weatherstrip replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear chrome weatherstrip replacement


New Member
July 24, 2017
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2013 Explorer XLT 3.5 4WD
Today I decided to check my backup camera connections, and when I pulled off the chrome piece that holds the camera/plate lights the weather stripping on the outer edge literally crumbled away. Is there an oem replacement for the rubber or should I just pick up a roll of adhesive weather stripping and stick it back on there?


Happy New Year!
I have a feeling that the weather stripping may be part of the Explorer chrome strip. It likely would be expensive to have to replace that part. You could check with your dealer but may be better off with your back up idea.


Happy New Year!
I have a feeling that the weather stripping may be part of the Explorer chrome strip. It likely would be expensive to have to replace that part. You could check with your dealer but may be better off with your back up idea.

I ended up picking up a roll of marine/auto weather stripping from Walmart for about $9 and just placed it back where I saw the old glue, there’s a spot or two where it doesn’t exactly look even, which I can just go back out with a hairdryer or heat gun and carefully move it to a better spot. It wouldn’t bother me two much but the stripping I got was a little too thick for the trim piece to lay completely flush with the body, hence why it would probably look/work better if I got those couple of spots evened up. It’s not noticeable unless you’re looking right at it up close so that’ll be a project for when I feel like doing it.
