rear leaf spring modification | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear leaf spring modification


Well-Known Member
November 18, 2011
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City, State
Raleigh, North Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Ford Explorer XLT
i want to improve my towing, get rid of my squat and make my lifted rig safer from rollover. has anybody had any experience with roadmaster active suspension kits? looks pretty sound in concept but id like to know what yall think of them. used similar concepts on race trucks but never messed with the commercial versions.

here's a link

let me know what yall think about um and if you know of anywhere that has a better price.

thanks guys

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I haven't tried them, but they look pretty cool.

if they work the same as the ones we use in racing (they look very similar) they are very cool. since i dont have the milling and welding capabilities i had when i was racing, i cant make roll packs but these look like a consumer version. hopefuly i get good feedback on them and put um on mine

I know a few guys have put them on their Sport Tracs but none of the ones I know of were lifted. They talk very highly of them.

thats what im thinkin it would help with, get rid of some of that extra roll from bein more top heavy since im lifted.
