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Rear Rotor Stuck!

No, the nut is holding the axle only. You can remove the rotor with the nut in place. Probably the e-brake shoes are holding it.

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Thanks for the quick reply! Thats what I thougt. Just cant see were the rotor separates from the axle. Sprayed it with breakcleaner and brushed it with a steel brush, but still can't seem to see where rotor and axle part. Seems like its one solid thing... thanks!

autobahn, sounds like the problem that the original post had in that the emergency brake pads are expanded so far out, and there must be a pretty good lip on the outside edge from wear, that it is keeping the rotor from sliding off like it should if the caliper is already removed.

It looks like the axle nut is holding the rotor but it is not. Waco the rotor with a sledge and it'll come loose I swear.

Thanks all,
i finally ordered a disc removing tool, which did the job. Sounded like a shotgun when it finally flew off, first thought the tool snapped.
Sure felt like it was welded on there. But, no wonder, been on there since

Disc-removing tool!?!
Can you post a link? I've used hub-pullers, but never seen a disc-removing tool (besides my 4-lb mini-sledge...).

PS -I'll have to look at my 4th gen rear DIH parking brake shield. On all DIH parking brakes that my company makes, we have an access hole in the shield to back off the manual adjuster. If there isn't a rubber plug, there will be a semi-pierced knockout in the shield, to be pryed out (not in!!) and replaced by a standard rubber plug.

It's very possible that the semi-pierce is covered in road-stuff and hard to see.

On my '00 Exploder the passenger rear rotor was stuck on. The e brake was backed off, PB Blaster many times, nothing was in the way to stop it, banging with 3, 5 & 10 lb sledge wouldn't budge it. I tried several times over three weeks.

This is what finally worked for me:

I'm glad I wasn't in front of the rotor when it popped off! The tool dropped straight down to the ground, the rotor flew about 5 feet.:eek: The tool came in a nice hard plastic molded storage case, it's now sitting safely on a shelf in my garage. I need to replace the rotors on my '99 Mounty, will I get to use my special tool again???

Good Luck,

thats pretty much like what i used. I was close to the rotor/tool when it took off, going to wear my gear:salute: when removing the driver side disc :D
Thanks, thebrakeman, there was no rubber plug, as i was hoping for. I checked the rotor for any access to the adjuster, found nothing.
Cheers, Andre

Sorry to bring this one back. 2010 Explorer XLT about 110k miles. Recently picked up and doing some TLC, brakes are on that list. Can anyone confirm the nut is in fact the axle nut found in the center of the rear rotors? I remember my '01 Explorer Sport...I was told to keep beating the thing. Turns out, the nut had to come off as the rotors contained the wheel bearing assembly as well. Really funky setup.

I did not see a knock out plate or rubber grommet so is a puller or hammer going to be the choice?

Rear rotor comes off with a sledge hammer.

Thank you. Just wanted to make sure before I go all out

No problem. I learned the hard way. IN the middle of the job I went to Napa to buy a socket to remove the axle nut. I take the nut off and bang the rotor with a sledge and the rotor comes off minis the hub. Didn't need to remove the damn bolt. Lol! Lesson learned.
