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Replacement Key Costs


Explorer Addict
August 24, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Ada, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Sport
Evidently car theives are writing down the VIN number of the vehicle they want to steal. They then go to the dealer and tell them that they lost their key and need a replacement.

Now I'm not trying to steal any vehicles, but I do need a replacement key. I was hoping that I could get a replacement for the key that I have now, but would like to get a new copy, not one that has been worn down. How much does it cost to get a replacement key and have it cut at the stealership? Do they really have a file of all the keys?

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mine cost $90 something and they needed the car for about a half hour to train it to accept the new key (98 Sport w/anti-theft)

Training it, as in how they program a fob? That seems like a lot of money for a key, but then again, I don't have a backup which would be really nice to have.

I work for a Ford dealership and programming the keys can become an expensive task. First off, the programmable blank is roughly $25 dollars. If that is the only key you have, your vehicle will have to be hooked up to the computer to program it for the ignition. That's usually a set amount depending on dealership. My dealership charges $40 for programming.

What about getting the key made from a key that I already have? I believe I have the anti-theft key (the big fat one). So what would be a best and worse case scenario?

You make it sound so easy. I actually thought about calling them when I was originally posting this, but thought I'd ask anyways. I'll call them after lunch to get some numbers

You can trace a blank from the original key. Cost will still be the same, just a lot easier for whoever will be cutting the key.

I went to a dealership and had a new key made from my VIN number. I had to bring the title and a photo ID to prove identity.

They looked up the key code with the vin and cut a new transponder key for $35.

$35 seems reasonable enough to me. I've got to create a list of all the stuff I want to do and need to do for my explorer and prices so I can figure out what to do and when to do it.

I just got off the phone with a guy at the dealership, and it's going to cost $25 for the key and I believe he said $50 for the programming. So for $75 that's a lot for a key, but I'm going to have to do it. I may do some dealer shopping to find a better price, it's not an emergency that I have one now, so I'll look around for one, I know of another dealer that usually has better prices. Thanks for the info, ya'll.

Originally posted by EBInterceptor
Training it, as in how they program a fob? That seems like a lot of money for a key, but then again, I don't have a backup which would be really nice to have.

The way I understand it, if you have 2 working transp keys you yourself can program a working 3rd key (or more) as you would for a fob.

If you only have 1 Transp key the dealer or a locksmith (with the right equip) will have to make and program the 2nd key.

I had my second one made in Cut Bank, MT this August and it was only $40 (Ford Dealership). They told me some Ex's cost more depending on the programming time.

One other thing I did mos before I found time for having a transp key made was having 2 other "hardware store" door keys made so I could hide one on the vehicle in case I locked the only transp key inside. (Of course if the key is used in the ignition then you will have to call a tow truck or locksmith)The hardware probably will tell you they cannot do it for you, but I told them that I really needed a backup door key since the trailheads I backpack from are so remote, and if I had a door key I could at least get inside for food and water....
