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reprogramming keyless entry

When you get a new RAP, it comes with a plastic card ( credit card size ) with the new permanent 5 digit code.

After installing the new RAP module, the old permanent code no longer functions. You will need the new code to reprogram a new code of your choice.

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The 'factory' code and all the additional codes reside in the RAP module. They do NOT disappear by disconnecting the battery. Once entered, they are a part of the system until they are manually erased, either by the user or by a dealer.


In the owners Manual there showed be a code that is the master reset. if not go to dealer.

As Joe correctly noted, that permanent entry code is not permanent. The code is permanently inside the RAP module. All Ford vehicles I believe are the same way. To change the RAP module is how the code is changed. Those modules are very small and easy to change, the 93-01 Explorer has it in the LR quarter panel. Regards,

If the RAP module is anything like it was on my '93 SHO, there's a set of five resistors in there, soldered in place for the permanent code.

Unsoldering and placing them in different positions allow for the change of the code.

There's a write-up on the SHO procedure here:

If the designs are at all similar, and you're handy with a soldering iron, it might be a cheaper alternative to buying a new modules...

If the RAP module is anything like it was on my '93 SHO, there's a set of five resistors in there, soldered in place for the permanent code.

Unsoldering and placing them in different positions allow for the change of the code.

There's a write-up on the SHO procedure here:

If the designs are at all similar, and you're handy with a soldering iron, it might be a cheaper alternative to buying a new modules...

It sure would be cheaper than a new RAP module; I recently replaced mine and it cost me $179.12.

If the RAP module is anything like it was on my '93 SHO, there's a set of five resistors in there, soldered in place for the permanent code.

If the designs are at all similar, and you're handy with a soldering iron, it might be a cheaper alternative to buying a new modules...
I'll bet they are. My 03 Ranger's permanent code is determined by the position of the 5 resistors in the CSM (similar function to the RAP).

Ouch, don't buy new parts when there are thousands in salvage yards. I can get the minor electrical parts for pennies compared to retail Ford prices. Look around first.

Easy you can reprogram any remote without any codes or anything and this is how.
1-put the key in the ignition
2-turn it on and off 8 times till you hear the doors lock and unlock
3-then press the lock button on the remote and then turn off the key
remember the door locks have to lock and unlock to let you programme the remote.
done good luck:D

Easy you can reprogram any remote without any codes or anything and this is how.
1-put the key in the ignition
2-turn it on and off 8 times till you hear the doors lock and unlock
3-then press the lock button on the remote and then turn off the key
remember the door locks have to lock and unlock to let you programme the remote.
done good luck:D
Good info but that won't work for the hard-wired keypad entry being discussed in this thread.
