Rolled the mounty | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rolled the mounty

Well more of a lay down. In the process with insurance anf buying a new 97 mounty body.

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That sucks, I hope your ok.

On the road or on the trail?

Sucks to hear that, I'm guessing your ok though right?

Glad your OK.

Truck is replaceable (always)

You only get one you, hopefully that part is ok...

Truck is replaceable (always)

You only get one you, hopefully that part is ok...

I know, but still.

Well i have no appetite..let the weightloss begin!

My friend is sending me the pictures of the truck as i couldnt take them due to my position at that time :p:

So, how hard is it to swap a body from one frame to another? Also, can i keep the old vin?

I say you find a third gen and swap your axels :)

I know, but still.

Well i have no appetite..let the weightloss begin!

My friend is sending me the pictures of the truck as i couldnt take them due to my position at that time :p:

So, how hard is it to swap a body from one frame to another? Also, can i keep the old vin?

It'd be some work switching body to frame, and yeah you can do the vin swap but you've gotta make sure you get all the vin plates and make it look stock. I think I heard somewhere its illegal but if you do it right no one will know except you and whoever you tell.:D

No--I think he can-
if he keeps the engine, trans, and dash intact-he is merely replacing body panels-
just as a body shop would do--
I think he surely has a door or 2 that could carry over to the "new" body also--
I wouldn't mess with the vin plates on the body panels.
I might be wrong. I'm no legal expert.

yeah, the doors with the vin on it is good. My dash however is a loss.

I'm not no legal expert either but you maybe right Jon, cause when I knew someone that did it they took a vin from a 4cyl t-bird to a stock turbo 4cyl t-bird and all they did was switch vin plates so that prob. was illegal.

I always thought the VIN followed the body. Say if you put a Mustang body on a Jeep frame, the Mustang VIN would be what was used. IDK for sure. Hell, it may even be different from state to state.

here ya go


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Oh man that sucks, it makes me cringe....

Makes me want an exo cage even more

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