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Saleen XP8

I just got off the phone with saleen and they said they have NOTHING left for explorers :(

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purpony, what grille did you get for that bumper insert


what do you mean????

what SPEED GRILLE did i get for the lower bumper??

ya, i tried the 2000 speed scene one and it wouldnt fit my sport bumper. I have the same bumper you got. just curious, if you got one to fit the same bumper, im gonna order it

Found this one on ebay. Its got a lot of pics and a lot of interior mods. No blower tho.

Lowd pypes- where did you find the place that has the saleen wings for $272??



yeah, pur pony's got it... that is where i saw it.

pur pony which type of speedgrille insert do you have? 2000 explorer one?

as far as i know- yes- the 2000 insert

I cant get a wing like that for my 93 can I, anyone know?

Well, the 91-94 tail gates are the same as the 95-97. Does the saleen wing fit on them or just 98-01? I'm thinkin just 98-01 because thats when it was changed to be more curved.

93BLUEXLT, do you know that girl that signed your guest book? Id say get her # if you dont. :)

like i stated above.... The first Saleen Explorers came with the 95-97 rear gate and a wing..... and last i knew all the wings are the same so it should fit 95-01 explorers. And if 98FordX24 is right about the 91-94 and the 95-97 gates being the same i dont see why the wing would not work on them either-


93BLUEXLT... Please dont buy that based on what I said. I am pretty sure they are the same but not 100% sure.

one of my friends mom has a 96, ill do some checkin. I hope they fit, I really want one!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah I do know that girl, thats my girlfriend being stupid :chug:

all right, they will fit. i busted out the ruler and looked at a newer X and the spoiler will fit. they are the same tailgate. now the question is where to find it!!!11

Where can i find a Saleen Ex. package?? I have looked all over. Anyone with the answer please respond.


now that Saleen no longer makes a XP6/8, the body kits are pretty hard to find. I called Saleen a few months back and they had nothing left-

I did see a body kit on ebay though about 3 weeks ago. Im not sure if it sold or not-

good luck

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I think the bidding started at $1,000 for that and I dont remember if there was a reserve. Check ebay every now and then. You will find stuff on there. Trick is finding someone that just wants to get rid of it or doesnt know what the parts are really worth. Good luck.
