scratches | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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does anyone know of any good products out there really good at taking out scratches? also does anyone know how to blend existing touch up paint on the car to blend into the factor paint so you dont see the cover or differences in paint texture etc...?

What kind of scratches are we talking about? Do you have photos?

I see you're out near the 81/83/322/76 spaghetti. Welcome to the forum!

Meguiers ScratchX or maybe it's mothers i forget but it's called scratchx black tube. it's the only one i've tried and it works nicely

there really is no blending touch up. The trick is to "fill" the scratch with the paint. It really never is invisible.

I recently tried Nu-Finish Scratch Doctor on my wedgewood blue Explorer and wife’s Grand Prix, and have to admit the results were outstanding. Like MONMIX said they are not invisible but you really have to be in the right light to see them. I highly recommend the product; obviously it has its limitations as do all scratch removers.
