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Section's new Jetta TDI


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 11, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Bluff, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
1975 Ford Bronco 4x4
Well, I now have two Jettas. :p: I liked the sound of a 55mpg DD so I put a deposit down on one of these things a few months ago. I got the call that it was in this morning so I went and did the paperwork. :confused:

It'll be sad to see my other DD go, but it was too expensive to drive it (for what it was). But how can you beat this little thing? Leather, sunroof, tires... it's loaded!

It's at the dealer getting the inspection and detail thing done. It was literally just off the truck. Still has the plastic on the roof. I'm picking up tomorrow, so I should have some better pics of it tomorrow night or Thurs. :thumbsup:


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Traded the mountaineer. Matt, I made sure not to get a 5 speed. The 96 is a stick and I'm tired of it! Trying to drive in the bay area, while eating, and curling my hair. Plus the auto is supposed to get better mpgs.

So are you going to enjoy driving the 96 while the wife gets the new car?

Probably! :p:

Since I'm off for a month starting on Thursday, she'll at least get it for that time. But I'll be pimping it down to the city after my vacation. Then once I transfer home we'll sell the '96. She drives the SD 90% of the time anyways. The mountaineer was a paperweight next to the Explorer paperweight. :(

nice jetta u plan on doing any mods to it

nice jetta u plan on doing any mods to it

Just Flowmasters and maybe some amarillo fog lights. I'll get before and after sound clips. I'll record some sound clips. I'm getting Flows.

dual flows or what

i like the vw tdis i like the jetta and the golf and passat in tdi. Have they made the golf and passat in the new body style yet in tdi.

Nice Ride I second the vote for 18's tho and maybe a little window tint too.

Window tint is coming on Friday hopefully. If it was up to me, it'd have 18s already. But, apparently they look too "blingy". :( Maybe Froader can PS some on it after I get some better pics of it.

section are you getting dual flows or what and what series u getting.

today when i was at the store picking up something a new jetta tdi parked next to me and it looked bad ass it had tint and rims on it.

today when i was at the store picking up something a new jetta tdi parked next to me and it looked bad ass it had tint and rims on it.

Dang, Sam. That guy doesn't mess around! I was the first one in the San jose area to get one. That guy bought one, had the windows tinted, rims installed, and went to Subway to enjoy a foot long roast beef with everything on it, but none of the oil and vinegar, all in a day?!

^-- LOL

Hearing a TDI like in a parking lot always catches me off guard after I heard that rumbling diesel engine. I'm like OHHHH SHHHHHHHHean, that Flippin thing is a diesel YO!! That dude don't play around!

And then I pull my shirt off and run around the parking lot afterwards.

Cool. Nice car, congrats. I've been waiting for the new TDI. Not enough to put a down payment on one, but I may just see if I can't take a test drive. 5-speed for me though! I miss it. Looking forward to hearing some REAL mpg numbers. There's been a lot of controversy over them.

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Oh, dang, the manual is a 6-speed! Nice. Never driven one of those. I see they are finally posted on carsdirect so I guess they're out!
