Signal Mirror kit for ranger fit X? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Signal Mirror kit for ranger fit X?

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i think they would they look like the mirrors on my 98 exploder. i hope they do now i wanna pair of them. been looking for awhile for something like this.

I ordered these for my '02 XLT. Discovered that I had an after market mirror on my passenger side so the project is on hold for now. The mirror is the same shape as the one on my truck. Like I said the project is on hold for now so I can't give anymore details. Here is the thread that led me to buy the signal mirrors:

Hope this helps! :salute:

I was looking forward to installing mine until I ran into the snag. I say go for it. Let us know how you make out. Good luck. :salute:

Would I be safe to assume that the kit is for the pair of mirrors or just one side.

Okay they have been ordered. I should have them next week and hopefully installed by then.

Please let us know how you make out!! :salute:

I just realized that when I had the Explorer in the body shop and they guy also replaced the mirrors and the new mirrors are the "dog house" mirrors so the signal kit will be a direct swap. While the I have the mirrors off I am going to paint them the same color as the Explorer.

Looks like you got lucky. Unlike me. I was all fired up to do the install and discovered that the passenger's mirror is after-market. So now I just look at the kit and shake my head :splat:

Bump.......for an update! :salute:

Bump.......for an update! :salute:

I just got the mirror kit today. I am picking the mirror housings up tomorrow or sometime next week. I decided to have my body shop guy paint the mirrors for me so I wouldn't take a chance of screwing them up. Right now all of the wires have been put in place. I decided to run wires from the rear turn signals in the taillights to use for the mirror kit. This was much easier for me because I am color blind and trying to find the approriate wires would have been near impossible. I will get some pics and maybe a video as soon as I get them in.

Thanks for the update! I can't wait to see the install and pick your brain apart so I am ready when I finally get to install mine....LOL! :salute:

Here is an updated. I got the mirrors painted and the signal glass installed. Everything is wired up and working great. Here are a few pictures and a video.




Here is where you can see the video.

The video was just uploaded so it may not work instantly. So if it doesn't work wait a bit then try again.

Hey hey hey, they look awesome!! Can't wait to get mine installed. How difficult was it to replace the mirror glass? Did you follow the included instructions or the instructions I linked. I want em, I want em, I want em :bounce::bounce::bounce:

or its actually an advertisement for oil burners

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Hey hey hey, they look awesome!! Can't wait to get mine installed. How difficult was it to replace the mirror glass? Did you follow the included instructions or the instructions I linked. I want em, I want em, I want em :bounce::bounce::bounce:

The glass was easy to replace. Just pop the old ones out and pop the new ones in. I didn't use any of the instructions. I just tapped into the turn signal wires in the tail lights. With me being color blind it was impossible to find the correct wires. Running wires from the mirrors to the rear tails was the easiest way and worked just as well.
