How to: - Speaker enclosure fabrication - WorkLog - 2 challenges 3 & 7. Just for Fun, Nothing Fancy!! | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Speaker enclosure fabrication - WorkLog - 2 challenges 3 & 7. Just for Fun, Nothing Fancy!!

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BBQ_HotDogs said:
LOL, man oh man, I am looking hard. Someone here has the shorter cable. I even went to E-Bay and said the heck with it, I will buy the EQ and just use the cable. Guess what? Not 1 stinking one on E-Bay. Not 1. No cable and no where. So in my frustration I just called PC Parts again, now they tell me Setember for the cable. I am working hard on plan B now. 100 bucks for that cable shipped to my door step. I will add the (jssong clause) also. It must be workable, LOL.

Yea, I have the shorter cable. I can double check and make sure. (Its in my garage somewhere) I can send it right out if you want. I use the long one and have no need for it.

You could either use it to hook everything up and make sure it works then get the long one in, or splice into this one and make it longer.

How do you guys find this stuff. I have searched and searched and nothing. I just sent them an email to make sure of it's size and all. What a great find. Who cares if it is twice the money, LOL. I need that thing like yesterday. Salute to you guys for helping me. We need to all get togeather and do a golf outing and cook some good old Texas BBQ.

Since all I can think about now is this stupid EQ, I came up with the perfect place to install it instead of the dash. I could pull it from the dash, put the Alpine DVD 5205 there instead and mount the face plate of the EQ in the overhead console where the garage door opener goes. I never use anything in that spot anyways. I also think I found a place that has a new one in stock, so if I can't get the cable, why not buy the whole shoot-n-match? Here is where I found the EQ.
What do yall think about putting that EQ in the overhead console compartment?

The EQ in the overhead console would work well as long as they do a good job fabbing something up. A console for an Expedition has overhead a/c controls which is close in size to the EQ controller. It just depends if something like that would fit width-wise. With tinted windows, the EQ will work great in the dash. Without, the glare makes it hard to see sometimes. (Especially in the Alpine/Ford green color)

Watch out about buying a new one and assuming it comes with the cable. Mine didn't that I know of.

Thanks, I might get in touch with you today if I can't find that cable. But I will wait until these places open up to give them a call and keep my fingers crossed. Which fingers I don't know, LOL.

Oh my gosh, avsl actually says they have only 1 left in stock. I am all over this like fleas on a junk yard dog. LOL. Wish me luck.

BBQ, Though I am not a regular here, I do read quite often. If the above listed Kenwood cable will suit your needs, I have one. 15 ft. new, unused, and it's yours for the price of shipping. Just drop me an email.

YEE HAA!!! They just called me back finally and I have gotten there very last cable in stock. LOL, wait till they try and restock that cable.

TracerBullet, that is just one hell of an offer, and I do appreciate it. But I am getting the origingal one now from avsl. They will 3 day ship it to me. Snuck out of another jam thanks you guys and gals. Yall are the greatest.

BBQ_HotDogs said:
YEE HAA!!! They just called me back finally and I have gotten there very last cable in stock. LOL, wait till they try and restock that cable.

TracerBullet, that is just one hell of an offer, and I do appreciate it. But I am getting the origingal one now from avsl. They will 3 day ship it to me. Snuck out of another jam thanks you guys and gals. Yall are the greatest.

Cool deal! Glad u got that figured out!
Can I offer some advice??
I would STILL take TracerBullet up on his offer. I mean all its gonna cost you is shipping. Since u know these things are impossible to get, i would get the second one just in case. I mean you never know what could happen down the road :banghead: :banghead: Heck, what if it gets lost in shipping, or the installers lose it lol!.. Seriously get the second one too.

I feel I would be taking advantage of his generosity at this point. I don't think the Kenwood would work right on an Alpine unit. I could be wrong, but still. I am not going to cancel my order with Pacific Coast Parts either. I will still buy that one and then have an extra one laying around, "hopefully", in case someone else runs into this type of fiasco, then I will be in the position to help them. I always beleive that what goes around, comes around. Now maybe TracerBuller will have some good luck come his way, you never know. Tracer, go buy a lottery ticket, ya just never know, LOL.

this thing done yet BBQ?!? ;)

No, cable comes in tomorrow, Tuesday. Will run it out to them then, take some pics of the rack and stuff. It should already be fired up. Just needs some tweaking. It has to be close, it can't be anything but close. 5 months and counting, it just has to be.

I admire your patience. I would have come unglued by now.

if you dont have it by this weekend I'm going to come down there and smack you. :nono:



Ive been following this damn thread for 2 months and I need finished pics or im going to explode with frustration. grrrrrrrr

This is the culprit that has held us up for several weeks now. Thanks to etc for locating it for me. Took them over a week to get it to me, but was definately needed. Costs was almost double, but only 1 I could find in the US. Not saying it is the only one, just couldn't locate it.

Thanks etc


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yea now go install it and bring us the final product. If you dont I'm going to get Rick to suspend your account till you get that damn truck finished.
