Spring differences between 4-door and sport? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spring differences between 4-door and sport?


Explorer Addict
September 17, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Leesville, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT 4x4, '92 XLT 4x4
I just ordered a set of perches to do a SOA on the '92. I'm getting tired of hanging on spring hangers and u-bolt plates all the time. I have a multi-leaf pack out of an '01 sport (same truck my disk axle came from). I'd have to look at it again, but I don't think it has an overload leaf on it. My current pack has a short AAL in it.

Is there a difference in spring rates between the sport and 4-door spring packs? I want it to be soft and flexy, but will the sport pack be too soft? Should I use the sport pack or remove the AAL from my current pack?

Actually, if it came to that I'd probably put the AAL pack in my '91 4-door and use it's pack for the SOA.


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watching this just about to ask same question also and is there any parts from a 4 door that will be a upgrade to a 2 dr

The 4 door pack is a standard graduated spring pack. The Sport uses a Mono Leaf.

4 door springs on a Sport will lift the Sport 2"-3". Sport Springs on a 4 Door will DROP the 4 Door 2"-3".


Both 1st gen sports I own both have what appears to be standard explorer leaf packs minus the overload leaf.

this pack came off of an '01. Second gen. And is a multi-leaf pack.

The 4 door pack is a standard graduated spring pack. The Sport uses a Mono Leaf.

4 door springs on a Sport will lift the Sport 2"-3". Sport Springs on a 4 Door will DROP the 4 Door 2"-3".


After just going into the snow to check my sport and my room mates xlt it appears that his had 3 leafs and an overload. My sport has what appears to be 2 leafs and the overload on the bottom. I say appears because the second leaf looks like it was clamped onto the first the 1st and is shaved at the edges to almost smoothly transistion into the 1st (upper most) leaf as opposed to the solid squared edges of my roommate's leaves.

So, a couple questions I guess. My biggest one now, does it sound like I am running an AAL (i never put one on, but i am the 3rd owner)? The other question, say one wanted to go SOA on a 4-door, but didn't want 5-6", could you go SOA with a sport leaf pack and get around 3 or so inches? Or are there stability/strength issues when you go down a size on a leaf pack? PM I guess, I don't want to be a thread jacker.

I've done the swap.

2 door on the left. 4 door on the right.


As you can see the 4 door has another leaf. The 4 door does have a higher spring rate. They are the highest of all the RBV springs.

It will still flex just fine.

say one wanted to go SOA on a 4-door, but didn't want 5-6", could you go SOA with a sport leaf pack and get around 3 or so inches? Or are there stability/strength issues when you go down a size on a leaf pack? PM I guess, I don't want to be a thread jacker.

I would really like to know the answer too. I want only 4" lift, but I don't want the springs slung under the axle.

I might try it tomorrow. I've got my perches, so I might check the height with my current packs (with AAL), then the sport packs that I have. If I don't like either of those, I'll swap with my '91 and put the AAL pack in it.
