SQUEAL FROM ENGINE? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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hi there
i must admit i found it really hard to locate the cam sensor, i had to use a mirror and torch,
and if you lean right over the engine from the radiatior, towards the bulkhead below the windscreen dead centre, and look straight down its located on top of the flywheel housing, between the v in the blocks and about 8" straight down
consulting the manual it says you have to a special tool to keep it aligned when you withdraw it

when you locate it .
it should have a elec lead to it that transmits to the ecu,
and it is secured by clamp and bolt

i did manage to use a oil can with a long bit of tube and put some light oil around the base of it and i think it managed to penetrate the bearing because it was quite for a long time now it only happens now and again
hope this is a help

i think the only way to give yourself a bit of room to work might be to leen the engine forward i thought about jacking up the gearbox i'm not sure
regards paul
