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Stupid Headlights Making Me Mad

Ok......I've been using Hiper Industries Xenon headlights for a year now. I installed some new ones a few days ago since one burned out. Well shortly after (2 days) my high bead indicator light came on, headlights wont work. It's the same in high beam/low beam mode. I checked fuse, put stock bulbs back in , still nothing. My drive lights and fogs work fine. Any ideas?

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two words.....

sylvania silverstars :)

Originally posted by alphasylum
got balls?

LOL What???

Those Haynes manuals are great! they have helped me a lot... hang on i have a Ford service cd for my X
i know our headlights are different but it may give you an idea on how to rewire...

BTW: My PIAA are awesome! alittle pricey but well worth it!

I meant "HELL YES" hehehehe
Thats what u were supposed to say.

Yes my Haynes is nice and broken in too.

I'll have to look tomorrow, right now I dont have a bulb in there just in the other side. A stocker bulb of course.

I'm Cconfused... :confused:

alphasylum: got balls?

liquidx9: two words..... sylvania silverstars

alphasylum: liquid do they have a nice blue tint?

...and I thought I had problems.

no, they are pure white, if you want a blue light, id go for sylvania cool blues

wow, i just read that, that really sucks, and its NONE of your damned business ;)... but for what it counts, my gf is 1500 miles away, so you do the math

at least my wiring harnesses arent fried

i dont even know anymore, im just gonna shut up... if you want a blue tint, get sylvania 'cool blues', im gonna go back to watching the packers dominate chicago

One of my friends bought a pair of SilverStar and it's got a purplish tint to it on the outer rings but it's truely white in the middle.

alpha, follow the wires from the connector and see where they go. If they go to another connector, they'll obviously be easy to replace. If they do not go to a connector and instead go into a larger bunch of wires, it might take some work that will require soldering.

I'd just get the new harnesses from a junkyard. They'll be much cheaper, maybe even free if the place is cool like that. No need to buy brand new ones.

Have you been using bulbs that use more watts than the stock bulbs?

I would go check where the wires go for you, but my truck is on ramps (still haven't fixed it from Paragon) and it's way too tall for me to see under the hood while up that high and I'm way too lazy to get a step ladder just to look. :)

If you put in a high power harness $35. you only need one good socket to hook up the harness. Drivers side is easiest although you can use the passenger side. That would seem to me the cheapest way to go plus you can use any lights you want without overheating problems.

Originally posted by Bill Kemp
you can use any lights you want without overheating problems.
Is that just a new harness, or new wiring all together?

If it's just a harness, you can still melt the power wires going to the lights and start a fire. :eek:

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A high power harness only uses the power from one of the headlight socketts to put power to the relays that power the headlights. Imposible to hurt the factory wiring. The relays open the circut from the battery to the headlights. Just like an aftermarket fog light set.
It takes about 15 min. to hook up. Easier than fog lights.
