superblue bulbs? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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superblue bulbs?

I bought a pair of Wagner "Lazer Blue" 9004 headlight bulbs for my X for 26$, and they are horrible. There's basically no difference except for a minor blue ring around the projected light that is unnoticable unless you really really look. Does anyone know a good brand of 9004 bulbs that will actually look really blue? I wouldn't mind a superwhite bulb but I really want a very noticable blue tint to my light. Thanks.

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why would you want a blue tint? a cop will nail you for that in a second.... and blue isnt the best color to see the whole spectrum with.... they will screw up peripheral vision and color identification and are bright at all.... if you want bright and better than stock, get sylvania silverstars or piaas new extremes....

like this?


  • explorerwithlights.jpg
    14.6 KB · Views: 238

or are you trying to really go blue? actually i guess you really can't tell the difference in the pictures, but the second pic is of really blue headlights.


  • escapwithlights.jpg
    12.3 KB · Views: 231

I am running EuroLite Xenon Fusions nice white almost blue.


I'm looking for a pretty blue tint, like on BMWs.

go HID

Expo 5.0, what were the brand of the bulbs in the second photo, the "more blue" ones?

i'm not sure, but i can find out tonight if you want me to
they are just some cheap bulbs off ebay with higher than stock wattages. they are in my brothers escape in that picture, but they look pretty good. my bulbs are 85/100 watt ones (in the explorer). everyone says it will melt stuff, but i haven't had a problem thus far... and maybe i never will

i'll give him a call and have him check the box for the brand name if you want.

Expo 5.0, I would appreciate that. About your X, what kind of bulbs do u have, and do they have any blue to them or are they just really bright? Tweeter has bulbs there that they will install, they had one that was on display that was the exact shade I'm talking about but I can't remember the name and they have the most horrible website ever. If anyone knows... please tell me!

well my brother says his are hipers. the ones in the explorer have a very white almost blue tint to them. if it is driving at night in a sea of cars on the highway you notice it immediately, as you would true hid. i would bet that my bootleg 85/100 japanese bulbs (the box is entirely written in japanese) are actually brighter than a true hid conversion kit since mine even with the crappy stock lenses outshine true hids on the bimmers.

of course i don't have the added hid benefit of increase vision of what the lights shine on because of the nature of the hid lights. but if your going for just the looks cheap japanese crap can't be beat!

hey, also check out the cool look the jap crap bulbs give my headlights when they aren't on. is this what you are looking for?


  • grille.jpg
    30.3 KB · Views: 159

Yeah, i'm looking for that blue tint look when they're off as well. Do you know any info about what vendor you bought them from etc. I've been looking all over ebay and the only two types i could find that matched your description were the Hiper ones, and these:

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The Hiper ones have the jap crap writing all over them, so I'm not sure. Also, am i looking for halogen or xenon bulbs, and does it matter?


JAP IS THE WAY TO GO in my opinion when it comes to bulbs.........But ya, I also have the hipers click my sig to see them. They havn't failed me yet are are brighter than my stock bulbs by a handfull.

redbeast- just order the hipers! i looked for bulbs like mine (i got them off ebay) and thye aren't being sold anymore.
