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Sway bar disconnects


July 21, 2000
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Hi!!! me again!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but by disconnecting the sway, it allows greater flex and helps keeps the tires planted on the ground. Should they be front or rear or both.
does anyone have a warrior part number. I'm running a 93 xlt with a 2 or 3 inch body lift and maybe an inch, inch and a half suspension lift.

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yes...you are right. The sway bars are there to make body roll while driving on the road less. But while driving off-highway they make it tuffer to get traction by lifting your wheels while you are at extreme angles. You should be able to disconnect both rear and front bars.

I don't know of any company out there right now that make disconnects for the explorer at this time. However they are easy to make for yourself. I must warn you though I have found that the way I done mine does provide a "clanking" sound while driving on the road.

I started by removing the bolts on the bottom of the front sway-bar. Your sway-bars are now disconnected to your frame. I next took a drillpress and put a hole in the bolt. This may take some time and you might break a bit but it will work. Next I took a cotter pin(like ones you would use when towing a trailer)and made sure that the pin goes through the bolt. This is also where the clanking sound came from cause the pin is allowed to hang loose and hits the axle. It doesn't cause any damage just a sound. Then take the pin out and reinsert the bolt into the sway-bar. Then put the cotter pin in and your done. The pin acts just like the nut that was on there at first, to take off the sway-bar all you need to do is crawl under pull the pin and bolt. You're done. Just take the bolts and put them somewhere safe and have fun on the trail. When you're done just crawl back under do the opposite. The rear is a bit more work to do and you are not able to remove the sway-bar. All I do is remove the pin and give the bar a pull where the bolt is out of the hole. This removes the sway-bar from the frame and makes it just like you don't have a sway-bar at all.

I know there are posts here that make a different type of disconnects but I found that this one works just as well and I think that the total cost was about 10 bucks for the pins and a few broken drill bits. But they work great.


well,I just noticed they only list from '98's on up,but give them a call,and if you give them the dimentions,maybe drew can do something for you.
good luck,

that is a good point.....what year explorer do you have. I'm not sure how the sway-bars are on the newer explorers. The setup I told you about works on 94 and older explorers.


my Explorer is a 1993 XLT. I've read that jks #9300 for cj-7 will work after you trim the bushings. Anyone have a number or a web site. Or heck, got a set you want to sell???!!!!
