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sway bar question


Explorer Addict
March 15, 2008
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City, State
Carey, Ohio (Georgia Grown)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
OK i searched through 5 pages when I tried to find it, if there is a thread already start can someone point me in right direction?

What good comes of a larger front sway bar? Found a 1 7/8" and a 2" Sway Bar for the front.

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without following the link, and being no expert, I'd have to sat the 2" sway bar would offer a stiffer ride and less flex offroad, personally, I'm going to stick with the stock swaybar, cut the links, and make some homemade disconnects.

the thread i was reading about the 2" came with quick disconnects for like 50.00... it was just a question though, cause the 2" bar is like 250.00, i followed the first link it gave me, just explained what its for in a nut shell, all good tho, thanks.

Quick disconnects

without following the link, and being no expert, I'd have to sat the 2" sway bar would offer a stiffer ride and less flex offroad, personally, I'm going to stick with the stock swaybar, cut the links, and make some homemade disconnects.

You don't have to cut the links man. I went to Home Depot and bought 2 clevis pins and 2 lynch pins. I removed the bottom bolt and replaced with said pins. Costed like 5 bucks. I'll post pics for you later.

You don't have to cut the links man. I went to Home Depot and bought 2 clevis pins and 2 lynch pins. I removed the bottom bolt and replaced with said pins. Costed like 5 bucks. I'll post pics for you later.
please do

Wait.. so the sway bar actually flexes when the suspension flexes?...

Hm, maybe I should look into a more flexible front sway bar then.. I hate it when it's removed.. but I can definitely use the extra flex.

Wait.. so the sway bar actually flexes when the suspension flexes?...

Hm, maybe I should look into a more flexible front sway bar then.. I hate it when it's removed.. but I can definitely use the extra flex.

Yes the sway bar flexes a little bit, but not much, most of the flex comes from the bushings. It's job is to transfer weight to the opposite side your leaning towards to help keep the vehicle level. If you want extra flex when your off road then you need to make/buy some sway bar disconnects.

If I feel I really need to disable the front sway, I just unhook one side.. one bolt.. no problems here.

No hassle? I don't even think any company would even have one that's Less stiff, specially for the Explorer. =P It was just a thought.

It would be more of a compromise between the two, but you're right. I'd get the best of both worlds with just disconnecting it when off-road.

Man, bigger?.. I couldn't even imagine...

Why not trash the front sway bar and keep the rear?

Woah, ditch the front, keep the rear? You're better off doing the opposite, much better handling.. and you'll get more flex from the rear than you would on the front anyways.

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Woah, ditch the front, keep the rear? You're better off doing the opposite, much better handling.. and you'll get more flex from the rear than you would on the front anyways.

I totally disagree:( sorry........but I have ran this set up for 80,000 miles on my explorer with a Detroit in the rear and hemi joints (duff lift) in the front and it handles just fine. I never missed it :D

I believe that the solid rear axle can use leverage to force it self to flex with the sway bar on. I can as so push my rear tires all the up in the in the wheel wells. Since the front has no leverage against the other tire it basically has to "free drop" and with a sway bar on the front it is hard for it to do so with a sway bay holding it back. Just my 2 cent
