T+M doubler for sale | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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T+M doubler for sale


Elite Ranger
Staff member
Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
Nope, not mine! :D
<copied from the rrorc thread>i have one doubler on the shelf. this doubler is new (never installed or sold), was held in reserve as a warranty replacement. it has a shifter. it is identical in everyway to all the doubler's built the first of the year. except, it does not come with a warranty and is sold as is. at this time, i will no longer be producing doublers, and would not be able to replace one under the limited warranty. if in the future, time would allow, individual doublers might become available on request at a higher cost. this last remaining doubler is available for $600.00 (firm) plus shipping.
e-mail tomzbii@yahoo.com

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Damn I was all ready to type some whack too, thinking you were backing out! hahaha

Bii just isnt long enough for a doubler me thinks, talk about high angle driveline! wow.
This tractor like upgrade would sure kick ass.

reporting post to moderator. It is in the wrong forum. :p If I wasnt building my own then maybe I would consider it.

Bill, how long is the shelf life of a doubler? hahahaha oh man...I worked in some whack talking anyways.

I pm'ed him and hopefully i can get this last one!!!!!


i must be the only one that doenst know what a doubler is

I know...what do I win?

Basically its part of a second t-case added to a normal one giving you a really low gear ranger and a second shifter. I am not sure exactly what this one is made out of or how. I saw it done on an old BII once. :) guys login name was 2caseBII (or similar)

Oh ok, I have heard of that before just not the term doubler. Thanks
