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Tail lamps

Outlaw Offroad does most of the work on my Ex. Haven't been to Capo in a couple weeks. Great they could get the tail lights though.

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Outlaw Offroad does most of the work on my Ex. Haven't been to Capo in a couple weeks. Great they could get the tail lights though.

Most dealerships would say no... (I had it out with a guy on the phone in NY one morning because I was looking for a part number at 5:00 CA time, and he started in on me about why I was calling NY when I lived in CA. I asked him if they use the same money over there that we do here, that pissed him off a bit (not really, NY people are pretty tough)... he answered my question anyway and was very helpful. It happens. I'm a loyal customer of Ford's parts departments across the country... they'll go out of their way to make sure they get what you need, and if they can't, they'll tell you up front, no bs'ing. The NY guy was alright! :thumbsup:

Donner, thanks sooooo much for your help.

Left and Right sides...

Looky here! Capistrano Ford got 'em both!

Now don't drink the hatorade all you two bulbers, anyone of you can opt for these and have amber turn signals like the rest of the modern world.

Those are nice!

(Keep the screw from your original tail lamp - that one in the picture might not fit. Mine didn't...

Now don't drink the hatorade all you two bulbers, anyone of you can opt for these and have amber turn signals like the rest of the modern world.
Do any of you guys recall or have handy the part number for the tail light housings with the amber turn signal?

I don't have it... Why? You like? :)

They're made in Brazil for/by Ford... Any Ford parts department can order them. I'd order fast the way things are going :) Those are required tails in Oz... so anyone DownUnder should have the part number for you... My parts department here doesn't open for another 30 minutes. They didn't have it... Oz, help :)

They're made in Brazil for/by Ford... Any Ford parts department can order them. I'd order fast the way things are going :) Those are required tails in Oz... so anyone DownUnder should have the part number for you... My parts department here doesn't open for another 30 minutes. They didn't have it... Oz, help :)

Thanks for the info. I called Capistrano Ford based on the info in this thread. The parts guy said he remembered getting them for the Austrailian gentleman, but couldn't help me unless I could provide the part number :rolleyes:. I'm also curious how much they cost, because this may be a moot point, depending.

Right side - Driver side (Oz) 1L2z13404ca
Left side - Passenger side (Oz) 1L2z13405ca

Prices are about the same as standard tails... Less expensive to order online.

Right side - Driver side (Oz) 1L2z13404ca
Left side - Passenger side (Oz) 1L2z13405ca

Prices are about the same as standard tails... Less expensive to order online.

Awesome, thanks!

No prob... check it out and make sure it's the right set. You know how models can change over time...

No prob... check it out and make sure it's the right set. You know how models can change over time...

Apparently the only difference in part numbers is the last two digits:
1L2Z-13404-AA (US)
1L2Z-13404-CA (AU)

The AU version is $96 on forddirectonline.com. The US version is $57. I couldn't find any other online source.

I still need to sort out the wiring changes required as well as the addition of the bulb sockets required. But not least of all is convincing my wife that we need to replace our otherwise working tail lights with the amber turn signals for "safety reasons" :p:. But seriously, I'm not as observant of other drivers' lane-change requests if they have just the red signal. Not so with Amber. I guess there's a reason the Aussies require it.

Tail Lights

I really would like to see a picture of the amber turn signal tail lights. Apparently my view of the posting failed to include any pictures.
Bill W

I really would like to see a picture of the amber turn signal tail lights. Apparently my view of the posting failed to include any pictures.
Bill W

One of the posts in this thread used to have pics. Not sure what happened to them though.

I think I tried to clear up space and deleted the pics... I'll try to repost them tomoro.

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