Tex Finally Does A Solid Axle Swap!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tex Finally Does A Solid Axle Swap!!!!


Explorer Addict
November 20, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Morgantown, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 4x4 4.0
Well kinda haha, this is the reason Im selling both my Explorers right now, this and a couple other reasons. Please dont hate me for getting a jeep but it actually kinda wasnt my choice. My brother bought it brand new a couple months ago and then got papers to deploy overseas, so being the good lil bro that I am I took it over for him cause he couldnt sell it in time.


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And to think I was really gonna see an SAS. :rolleyes:

Jeff - :navajo:

So that's your donor vehicle? Start swapping parts!! :p:

Tex time to swap axles.. I'll even drive there with the oxy/acy torch :D

Hell if advanced adapters makes a kit so I can swap transmissions also that probably wouldnt be that bad of an idea:p:

You've got a good excuse for going with the Jeep... I started looking for an '05 or '06 Rubicon a few months ago because I was about to throw a few grand into the X (much more than its worth) in gears, seats, need a cage, etc. I got tired of having to custom build everything for the X, and my custom builder got a girlfriend, so he's never around anymore....

With the economy the way it is, I decided to not do anything right now. But, I'm keeping my eyes open for a Jeep.

Dood... the wheels and tires will fit on the Jeep. Get to it!

Thats what I thought at first, I was going to order a budget boost and throw the 33's from the Explorer on but they changed the bolt pattern on the JK to 5 on 5. So I thought about just getting new rims but then I realized that 15" rims wont fit on the JK either. So Im **** out of luck in every departmentm which sucks cause the tires are pretty much brand new.

Thats what I thought at first, I was going to order a budget boost and throw the 33's from the Explorer on but they changed the bolt pattern on the JK to 5 on 5. So I thought about just getting new rims but then I realized that 15" rims wont fit on the JK either. So Im **** out of luck in every departmentm which sucks cause the tires are pretty much brand new.

That wouldn't have happened if you hadn't moved from Bastrop :rolleyes:

Jeff - :D
