The 4.0 Swap was chump change compared to this - Look inside... | Page 43 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The 4.0 Swap was chump change compared to this - Look inside...


new bolts in beadlocks make me happy. ready to wheel tomorrow, i'll get pics.

Ive been thinking about the shock mounts Rookie and you are right, I'm gonna weld a gusset on, nothing I can't cut off later, and even so I don't think I want to raise the front anyway. Good call as usual man.

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Jons rig did awesome. I would put him up against many guys with a front locker. He rolled right through a couple obstacles that have stopped better equipped rigs dead in their tracks ( remember just behind the meadow Heath????)

Anyway some shots of the Bdos working







hahaha that wheel up pic IS AWESOME!!!!! that was fun, that little trail behind the meadow is a blast, kinda wish we could extend it. of course then you wouldn't hit that spot that make the front driver tire up on rigs less than 100" wb, maybe 105". I want to go camp there, maybe if my wife wasnt ready to pop this baby out.

to bad you didn't get better pics of the hole or that first drop, honestly that first drop is the scariest part of that section.

thanks man, i'm sure you would have made it through had you not been in 2wd...

holy cow its fun wheeling out there but it is murder on tires, my tires are siped now, and not by me haha. got some pretty good chunks of rubber missing too.

I bet you did have a good time. Like to see a vid of that including the first drop.
The front tire up is cover shot material.

hahaha that wheel up pic IS AWESOME!!!!! that was fun, that little trail behind the meadow is a blast, kinda wish we could extend it. of course then you wouldn't hit that spot that make the front driver tire up on rigs less than 100" wb, maybe 105". I want to go camp there, maybe if my wife wasnt ready to pop this baby out.

to bad you didn't get better pics of the hole or that first drop, honestly that first drop is the scariest part of that section.

Lets camp there this spring its way nicer in springtime.

I have a pic of that first drop I will post it. Just doesn't look that bad in the pics, you know how pics are. Bummed I didn't get pics of the first hole.




How far a tow is this from your house?

we are pretty lucky to have access to wheel in such awesome locations, its funny bk you will never here about Idaho as a rock crawling destination, but we have some very very serious rock crawling here. mostly due to the efforts of the local club, Snake River Offroaders, I haven't decided if I'm going to join the club, but their efforts to keep open existing and open new wheeling areas in southeast Idaho is huge. heck I'll probably join up just for the land use work they do, I go to all their runs and all their clean up projects anyway.

Shelley rock trail, which is on blm land is where I went on saturday. SRO have a really good relationship with the local blm, which is why they were able to open up this trail. Blacks is on private land, and the club has gotten permission to wheel there from the owner bk of cleanup projects they have done there in the past, the place is a mess from other types of recreation that people unfortunately don't behave responsibly while doing. They also do occasional runs and cleanups at a place called Rexburg rock trail, which is also on BLM land. Rexburg offroad is a club from there that does cleanups on the trail and surrounding areas, couple pages ago on this thread I posted a pic of my buddy Eric and my kid brother while we were raking up shotgun shells. I really wish people would pick up their brass and shotgun hulls when they were done, as well as their targets. I shoot too but I try to not make a mess of things when I do.

ok I have coil retention issues on the top, or did. the coil retainers that I bought from ballistic don't fit xj coils, they are to big, so when I tighten them down they make the coil spring bow out and my passenger one started to walk out on me. decided I needed to change things around a little bit.

here are some pics of the coil as it was




what I did to fix it was to cut the retainer down to fit so it was only on the very top coil, used the plasma cutter and trimmed them down a bit,


here is the remainder of the old retainer, took quite a bit out haha.

that should make them sit flat in on the coil bucket, the other step is to get some2.5" tube and weld it to the coil bucket, that way they can't walk out, i'll make it the same height as the width of the coil wire, so it won't make my retainer not fit. hopefully this fixes my weird coil problems, I could hear my coils hitting the buckets when I drove.

Nice improvement. Cage anytime soon?

yeah I have some tubing on standby, still waiting on the bulk of the DOM I'm going to use though. paid for not picked up yet. I've been taking it easy on a lot of obstacles bk of lack of a cage, the place I'm going today has really low rollover potential, so its the one I've wheeled at the most.

yeah I have some tubing on standby, still waiting on the bulk of the DOM I'm going to use though. paid for not picked up yet. I've been taking it easy on a lot of obstacles bk of lack of a cage, the place I'm going today has really low rollover potential, so its the one I've wheeled at the most.

Yah Jons taking it easy





Can't wait to see Jon push it if this is taking it easy

makes me laugh when you look at those pics bk they aren't in order. the tie rod is straight in the last pic and in the wheel up pic the tie rod has been "clearanced",I will always remember Chad saying, "hey remember that tie rod you used to have"?

and also the bad ones are Chad driving not me lol, he was taking his life into his own hands, he was just using my rig to do it. Cool pics, and it was a great time. its good to get it out wheeling. Also glad that the dana 30 hasn't popped yet, there were a few times I thought it was gonna blow up yesterday but it held strong, despite the abuse I'm putting it through. I'm gonna love when I get the front locker and the strength of the d44.

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ive done a little work on the bdos after our last wheeling trip, the bumper and tie rod were all bent to hell and the rear pass quarter panel was mashed. so I did a little cutting and bending to clean it all up.

first was the tie rod, this is the scientific method I used so I didn't have to run down to the shop and use the press,


next I knew in my heart the bumper needed to go, but I though maybe I could just cut it off at an angle, no it looked like crap, so it got scrapped

that gave me the chance to cut the rear quarter up on both sides, and I think it looks pretty good, I'm going to cut it about 1" higher on both sides and build myself a tube bumper that wraps around to the fender wells, got a stick of 1 1/2"tube waiting to become a bumper.

after that I went out to the woods at my dads and decided there needed to be a testing ground for suspension etc, so we threw a few obstacles together, here is a really crappy vid, and the trail has gotten a lot gnarlier in the past week, but here is the basic idea.

and for fun here is the bdos flexing on my kid brothers pickup,
