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"The day the music died"


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 13, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Martinsburg WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
84 BII "Li'l Samson"
All I can say, it's about time...Buddy
He was so far ahead of his times. I can still remember "The day the music died" in that Iowa cornfield.
So many artists have mentioned how inspirational he was.
He took Rock and Roll to the next level.
How many times I listened to him late at night on my transistor radio. And of course the other two artists also.
My mom and dad would have none of it LOL


I haven't listened to any Buddy Holly in a long time. I had a couple cassettes of his back in the late '70s. Never bought any CDs...

My Ex-wife is a huge fan, despite having been born long since his death.
