The WAR-153 shackles | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The WAR-153 shackles


Elite Explorer
Elite Explorer
July 9, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Queen Creek, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 XLT 4X4
I was searching for the shackles I've seen so many of you mention. I found them on Warrior's website and it stated they are 1-1/4" lift. I had read here on the boards they are 2" lift.
What's the story? Do I also need an add a leaf or ??? to get 2"?

My next assumption would be - 2" in front + 1-1/4" in back = level ride.

Thanks for the help.

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not sure

I just got my war 153's in the other day and am having them installed tomorow. I was told that they will give me like a 1.5-2" lift and then I will do the torsion twist to even it out. I havent heard anyone say that they only give a 1-1.25" lift. What web sight you lookin at? I think thats wrong. Order then from You have to call them since they arent on their website.


I have noticed the same. The Warrior web site lists the lift at 1"-1 1/4"...

what is the url for the warrior site?

The shackles are 2 inches longer, but you only get about 1 - 1.5in of lift.

They are 3 inches longer
and you get half of the 3 inches for lift
so you get 1.5 inches of lift

I got a little more than an 1 1/2" not much though they are real easy to install.
ok 89 here is the web site-

So 1.5" is the avg. Thanks guys, if all goes well I'll get em on next month.

Should I still do 2" in the front or match whatever the rear gives me?

Thanks again for the help I think I would be lost without this site.

If you want your car to be level match what the rear gives you.

Measure from the center of the wheel to the bottom of the fender on the rear. Crank the front end up to match. Drive around for a couple of days and measure the front again. (it should settle a little) Then crank em up again.

tt lift


I just did my TT/Shackle lift today. I wasnt smart enough to measure the rear before I did it so I dont know exactly how much I got but I did measure the front when I did the torsion twist. I got 1.75 lift. The front and rear are completely even so Im guessing that the war-153 shackles gave me a 1.75 lift.



How do you do a TT Lift on our trucks??? Where is it?

Newbie here.

big ole bars under the front door that go to the fornt diff....

The shackles are in fact 1 1/4 in lift, however the total lift depends on your stock leaf sets, the newer or stronger they are the higher the total lift you will get.

Anybody running WAR shackles and an Add-a-leaf in the rear and only TT up front? Is that gonna be too much

I am. Click on "Gerald's Truck" in my sig line below and go to my article in the second post. You can scroll down to the section on Warrior shackles and TT and addaleafs and learn everything there is to know about all of them.

My article will answer every single question posted in this thread.

FYI, the Warriors are in fact 8.5" in length. MOST Explorers have 5.5" shackles, some like mine had 6", others - especially some Sports - have less than 5.5", and you get half the lift of the difference in lenth. So everyone gets a little different lift from them but about 1.5" is what you should expect.
