Took a Trip this Weekend (NM, AZ, UT)... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Took a Trip this Weekend (NM, AZ, UT)...


Elite Explorer
February 2, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Albuquerque, NM
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT
I had originally planned to make a trip to Canyon De Chelly this weekend with the Explorer and take a guided trip through the bottom of the canyon but plans fell through so I did a little re-routing and adjusted my trip plans to just go out and see some sights in the same region.

I left Friday around noon and headed for Farmington NM. On the way I stopped at Angel Peak in the BLM managed Badlands south of Bloomfield, NM a few miles East of US550. Wow! This place was cool and you would never really know it was there when driving by. There are great camping and other facilities at different spots around the top. The trail ends about 6 miles in at a big campground that loops around near Angel Peak.

Angel Peak:


Castle Rock:


Saturday morning I left Farmington going West and soon came to Shiprock, I didn't stop but I managed to get a picture.


After taking different highways in AZ and then crossing into UT I finally came to the day's first destination of Valley of the Gods. There is a 16 mile dirt road that weaves through towering rock formations in the valley floor.




The dirt road comes out about 3 miles from Moki Dugway, my second destination of the day. It was constructed in 1958 by Texas Zinc, a mining company, to transport uranium ore from the "Happy Jack" mine in Fry Canyon, UT. to the processing mill in Mexican Hat. The three miles of unpaved, but well graded, switchbacks descend 1100 feet from the top of Cedar Mesa.




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The night before I left I spent some time on Google Earth and found an overlook point that takes off from the top of Moki Dugway. It is called Muley Point and is about 6 miles in on a hardpack dirt road. Muley Point looks over the winding San Juan River 2,200 ft below and Monument Valley off in the distance. It is now one of my favorite places in Utah.




From here it was back down Moki dugway to Gooseneck State Park for another overlook of the San Juan as it winds towards Lake Powell.


A really cool MAN camper was here.


Mexican Hat Rock was a quick picture stop on my way to Monument Valley


Monument Valley was next.



Finally I came to Chinle, AZ for the night.

Sunday morning I started the North Rim of Canyon De Chelly. I stopped at all the overlooks some of which required short hikes in on rock paths. The shadows in the morning were working against me so I didnt get any good pictures. I backtracked to the Visitor's Center to start the South Rim around 10 AM. If you can only do one rim I would suggest the South, I thought it was better.

Near the mouth of the canyon


White House Ruin


Spider Rock


The canyon was cool but I was really bummed to not be driving in the bottom. Next year about this time I will be doing another trip as this was just about the perfect time of year to go.

Once you finish the South Rim you have a choice. Right takes you back to Chinle on the pavement (the same way you came in) which most people do. Left is a dirt road that eventually leads to Sawmill, AZ. Of course I chose the dirt! The road is named Fluted Rock Road in Backcountry Adventures Arizona by Massey and Wilson. It is 22 miles of hard pack dirt road with some small rocky portions and big ruts. It winds through a pine forest and the colors were really nice this time of year.


Near the end you come to Fluted Rock



A few miles later the pavement starts and you come to Sawmill then on to Fort Defiance and eventually Window Rock and Gallup. A great trip and I will definitely be returning to these sites.

Great pics Brian. Been tellin folks about that area. I'll be out there next May. My fav in Valley of the Gods is "Lady in tub". And John Wayne's quarters from She Wore a yellow Ribbon at Gouldings in Monument Valley.

I found the Happy Jack Mine up near Fry Canyon. Good thing I didn't explore it.

I know where the Mormans cooked bread in a oven in one of the those ruins if you want to come out in May. And I know of a few more you can walk in to at Comb Ridge.

Again great pics. Never seen them come out so good. I was tell folks what gets me is leaving the Ranger station on 261 and heading south. It's high desert up there and nothing prepares you for the Moki and the view of Valley of the Gods and Monument Valley. To me it's like one of those old maps of the world when folks thought it was flat. Kind of like driving up to the edge of the world.

Dang, it's a long time to May to get cabin fever now.

Good stuff, thanks for adding to the thread! I have seen pictures of the ruins on Comb Ridge and that is definately on my to-do list! Didnt have time for it this trip. I have been thinking about a "Beyond Moab" trip in May about the same time the Explorer run to Moab happens so I may be interested in joining you :thumbsup:.

Again great pics. Never seen them come out so good.

Thanks! I am slowly getting the hang of this photography thing. I did a little post processing of some of the photos.

Nice Pictures.

Happy Jack has been trying to drag me out on this adventure. Your pictures have just about sealed the deal on this one.

Nice Pictures.

Happy Jack has been trying to drag me out on this adventure. Your pictures have just about sealed the deal on this one.

Sounds like the makings of a fun trip!

(PS - I got the parts you sent me when I got home today!)

Looks like that was a great trip!! That pic of Monument Valley took me straight back to watching Forrest gump! idk if thats the same road in the movie when he decides to stop running. But it certainly looks like it!

Looks like you had a great time Brian. I love that area. You could spend months exploring out there.

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