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Took my top off


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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City, State
Deering, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Mounty
...well, tok the mounty's top off. Got tired of not being able to see out the tinted glass while wheeling at night, dusk, etc. So got bored the other day and I had a cut off wheel handy (I really shouldn't keep things like that handy) and decided to take the back third off. I've been thinking of it for a while and finaly decided to get er done. Just need to weld covers on the openings and she'll be all set. There will be a cage going in shortly to help support everything.


Windows out, came out easily atleast:


Top off:




Made a tailgate:


No more Cra1ger plate, it was 230 to reg it with vanity, 203 or so for reg. reg has gone up so much in NH, my 00 jetta was only 170ish last year...


Yeah, those are aftermarket tails, ran into a tree with one of them so I jsut took the cover off cause they had lenses inside. lol

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looks like door hinges on the right and a bolt latch on the left. NIce oplitic, do you plan on making a canvas cover or something once you have your cage in. You know, for those cold rainy days?

$230 for a vanity and $203 for a regular plate!!! What?
Down here it's $28 for a regular, and something like an extra $20 a year for vanity.
The mounty looks nice. I like the tail gate. How did you mount it?

hinges on the passenger side and a sliding lock (like whats on bathroom stalls, lift up and over and down) on the driver side. Works mint. It's the 20/40 aluminum (i think that's what my dad called it) I just call it aluminum rails, lol. You bolt em together, so we slid the 'stretched steal' in the grooves after we painted em.

looks like door hinges on the right and a bolt latch on the left. NIce oplitic, do you plan on making a canvas cover or something once you have your cage in. You know, for those cold rainy days?

yeah, some sort of canvas top with snaps. For right now I just park it in my garage. Well, didn't last night cause the alternator died on me while on the mountain behind my house. :frustrate:

Eventually i'll do this too. I really like the way it looks and the options it opens up. In the market for a lift and water proofing everything right now though so it will have to wait.

There are a few soild threads on here for the canvas. But, you probably already know that.:thumbsup: I'm excited to see how yours turns out. It's always fun to watch people tackling the projects I want to some day and the different ways people do it.

Eventually i'll do this too. I really like the way it looks and the options it opens up. In the market for a lift and water proofing everything right now though so it will have to wait.

There are a few soild threads on here for the canvas. But, you probably already know that.:thumbsup: I'm excited to see how yours turns out. It's always fun to watch people tackling the projects I want to some day and the different ways people do it.

haven't looked around yet for canvas ideas. Was also thinking of just welding in a wall with plexiglass or something for a window. What is nice though is that as soon as I roll up all the windows, it's not windy, I won't get wet, the heat still heats up the cab, etc. It just doesn't get kept in, lol.

I also saw a lifted chop top 1st gen here in pullman w/ idaho plates and they somehow fabbed up the hatch to be right behind the passenger seats but only the window was functional I believe.. it looked kinda like a "home made" sport track haha.

I did the same thing to the 2000 mountaineer I bought for my V8 swap. The rear roof was crushed from a rollover so I cut the back apart just like you did and drove it around my friends property for a while before I pulled the motor.

Love it. :salute:

Thats sick

$111 /yr here with a university donation plate... might do away with it, but the number is famous to my family since it's one letter off of my dad's dog chloe (and the plate was random)

strange part is my 06 ford 500 is 112 /yr basic plate... DAMN YOU GRANHOLM

I like this, been wanting to do it to mine, but I want the roof to be reattachable, which means waaaaaaaaay more work

Yeha, alot more work to make it re-attachable. Also my 2nd tailgate I've had was rotting. I was going to make that the 'tailgate' but with the whole bottom rotted out, having to hinge it, make a latch, etc. I said forget it, custom time, lol. I think eventually, along with a cage, I will be welding in a wall tot he top of the seats then making some sort of window above it. But so far driving at night, down the road, etc. as long as the heat is on I'm pretty damn toasty. Very surprised. Only downfall so far is windows up and dusty roads. It just swirls in the back and comes in every so often. lol

forgot to say I'll have some better pics in a bit.

BTW, for those of you curious, it is a stock mounty leaf spring for a bumper painted road cone orange :D had that 'handy' too. Kinds faded now. lol


Until I get the sheet metal to weld it I cut off the window seal and put it over the sharp edges.

Plate light is attached to marker lights and routed out from there.

Hinges I had laying around.

Latch and handle. Not that the handle is needed, lol Also ytou can see my custom tail light mounting from after I hit the tree with it. It's mounts from cheapo fog lights turned sideways. What can I say? I work with what I got.

So I found out yesterday to get inspected I need to re-vin my truck because it is now an SUT and not an SUV. Even my friend wouldn't inspect it and he's passed some stupid-ass ****, lol, including my truck last year. And even when I do re-vin it I will need it inspected by the statre, so me not hacing rockers and my two front cab mounts rotted off are gonna be a problem. I plan on fixing the cab mounts when I do the body lift, but that might be a while. Even making a canvas top will not help because stock it was not removable, it's an open cab now, etc. So, looks like I'm going un-inspected for now on until I figure out that situation, lol.

Sound like you live in Motor Vehicles Hell... That sucks for sure.

Nice chop though.

now try and get it back on lol. that'd be interesting

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where did you get the Aluminum tinker bars? I use to work with those as a machine builder. They are strong and light, you can hold a ot of weight with those things!
